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Research Of Xi Jinping's Mass Line Thoughts

Posted on:2017-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330503480875Subject:History of development of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As one of the magic weapons for the victory of Chinese revolution and construction cause led by the party, the mass line is fundamental political, organization and work line which constantly perfects its connotation along with the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. And the mass line's elucidation and practice is emphasized by successive party leaders.Since the eighteenth congress, faced with some bad behaviors of some leading cadres, existing problems among masses and cadres, general secretary Xi Jinping advocates to carry out education practice and made a systematic illustration of the party's mass line. This purpose of this paper is to systematically comb the innovation and development of mass line by Xi Jinping. By analyzing the form condition of the mass line, the paper illustrates the historical background and theoretical sources.This paper combs the innovation and development of mass line by Xi Jinping in four aspects which are the essential connotation of the mass line,doing everything for the masses, relying on them in every task,carrying out the principle of “from the mass, to the masses” and education practice. General secretary Xi Jinping innovate and develop the mass line in various aspects but the most prominent performance is emphasis on the principal position of the people's interests and maintenance by strictly ruling the party throughout the mass line, coordination and masses relationship between the party and the masses. On this basis, this paper reveals the theoretical and realistic significance of the mass line. The innovation and development of the mass line by Xi Jinping adapt to "four comprehensive" strategy and suit the party and the state of the union which display its power. In the process of establishing socialism with Chinese characteristics, the party should always establish good relationship with the masses, especially pay special attention to strengthening the thought education of party cadres, as well as establishing and improving the system supervision. Nowadays, the party should work unswervingly to continue carrying out the mass line by facing a significant responsibility for the party.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xi Jinping, The mass line, Formation, Content, Significance
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