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Research On Legal Problems Of P2P Lending Fund Safety In Our Country

Posted on:2017-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Y HuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
P2P lending is based on specific information intermediaries, direct peer lending funds between the main characterized by financing method. Due to its low threshold,short-term, flexible features to help alleviate some of the individuals and small micro-enterprise financing dilemma has a positive meaning. At the same time broaden the investment channels for the network lending private funds, it is necessary to supplement the existing financial system. Meanwhile, as the development of an emerging industry, market prospects, and other financial products, like the Internet,P2 P lending in the rapid development produced a series of problems, especially on venture capital. This paper aims at analyzing the P2 P lending in this emerging industry, focusing on the P2 P financial security and legal risks derived elaborated,combined with the regulatory status of our country and from abroad regulatory measures proposed to improve the legal regulation proposal. The article is divided into five parts to the study, the second chapter describes the P2 P net loan industry before, mainly describes the origin and development of the legal nature of the characteristics of P2 P lending; The third chapter is alienation mode P2 P lending Its Cause, P2 P lending network development so far in the industry can be divided into pure line guarantee / collateral type, credit transfer type, O2 O, P2 B mode four modes and four basic parties: investors, the platform, the borrower and third parties / legal relationship between related parties were fundamental analysis; the fourth chapter, the main problem is to write about financial risks of P2 P lending funds generated from the security point of view; the fifth chapter from the legal and regulatory dimensions,drawing on funding regulatory model abroad P2 P network lending, individual current legal regulation of domestic development model P2 P net loan proposals, especially escrow funds.
Keywords/Search Tags:P2P lending, alienation mode, financial security
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