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Research On Simplification Of The Procedures Of Administrative Approval

Posted on:2017-05-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330488469462Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Administrative approval system reform to strengthen the government's social governance capacity as a tool has been used as a long-term issue is repeatedly mentioned in the country's important meeting. In the critical period of deepening reform, the status of administrative examination and approval system reform is more prominent. Result of the reform has been as a standard measure of the degree of perfection of China's socialist market economic system, but also a measure of the standard of China's socialist modernization process. In the past thirty years, the reform of administrative examination and approval system made a lot of achievements, and the relationship between government and society in the process of market reform has been more properly handled, vibrant market in the power of the reform of the national economy developed rapidly under the impetus of reform. However, reform is not completed, the reform of administrative examination and approval system in China continues, and still is to deepen reform a top priority. At present, the transformation of government functions critical period. Administrative approval system reform is particularly important, the next reform will also be very difficult, a lot still needs to row to hoe. Reform can proceed smoothly related to the long-term development of China's socialist market economy, the relationship between our struggle against corruption can fight a protracted war, the relationship between the ambitious goal of China's modernization can come to fruition.The current status of the reform, the reform of administrative examination and approval system is not comprehensive enough. Always on the focus of the reform canceled, decentralization of administrative examination and approval above. Simplification of administrative examination and approval procedures have long been ignored. Simplify administrative approval procedures is the proper meaning of administrative examination and approval system. Cumbersome administrative examination and approval procedures seriously affect the efficiency of administrative examination and approval for the breeding of corruption provides a venue, affecting China's socialist modernization. Cumbersome approval process mainly for the approval of multi-level, multi-department approval, the approval links, and long approval time. Therefore, in the next reform must accumulate many years of experience in reform and learn from home and abroad on the successful experience of reform, efforts to get rid of obstacles from the interests, institutions, ideas, technology, and constantly improve parallel processing " one-stop service "and the network approval, and other new processing methods to effectively simplify the administrative examination and approval procedures, and promote the smooth progress of administrative reform.
Keywords/Search Tags:Administrative approval, Procedure, Simplified
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