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The Critiques Of Hannah Arendt On Totalitarianism

Posted on:2019-04-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L ShengFull Text:PDF
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Hannah Arendt is considered one of the most influential political philosophers of the 20 th century.Arendt,a German Jew whose life was influenced by war,experienced the First World War as a child and fled to the United States as an American citizen during the Second World War.Arendt's political philosophy is closely related to her learning experience,which is mainly influenced by Aristotle,Kant,Heidegger,Jaspers and Marx.The core text of this paper,The Origins of Totalitarianism,is the representative work of Arendt and an important work of Arendt's political philosophy.She analysed "totalitarianism" in her own way,trying to explain the European atrocities of the 20 th century and the dangers of totalitarianism.Combining with specific phenomena,she proposed that the elements of totalitarianism were anti-semitism,the decline of nation-states,racism,expansion of expansion and the alliance of capital and mob.By further analyzing the concept of "totalitarianism",she proposed that totalitarianism is a perpetual movement,characterized by contempt of law.The totalitarian movement,mainly through the combination of terror and propaganda,uses lies to create the world to stir up the masses.When the totalitarian movement holds power,for one thing,it controls its overall.For another it replicates the real world and eliminates the threat of non-totalitarian realities.From the perspective of the development of Arendt's thought,this work is an important beginning of her criticism of totalitarianism.Arendt's "banal evil",public domain theory and judgment theory are all reflections on totalitarianism.From the historical materialism of Marxist philosophy,the nihilism in totalitarianism has the characteristics of anti-utility and superabundance,and ignores the historical subjectivity of human beings.From the standpoint of Arendt's critique of totalitarianism,she suggests that the human mind is the dialogue between me and myself in solitude.When I take the initiative to abandon myself,solitude becomes loneliness.The process of loneliness to be daily experience is that people from the non-totalitarian world to the totalitarian world.Therefore,through the desire of "good",to achieve the purpose in the external reality,to transcend the loneliness,thus to avoid the threat of solitude becoming loneliness.Although there are some flaws in her work,her critique of totalitarianism embodies the profound practical concern of philosophers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Arendt, Totalitarianism, Critique
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