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The Theory Of Marx's Fetishism And The Motivation Of Entrepreneurial Behaviors

Posted on:2019-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330548959620Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From Marx's theory of fetishism,capitalist's profiteering behaviors has dual-properties: the Exploitative Property and the Productive Property,among which the exploitative property is the essence of those behaviors.We fund the Motivation of these behaviors are the Fetishistic desires by researching Marx's Fetishism Theory.Though the capitalists transform into entrepreneurs in modern economic system,the entrepreneur's behaviors also have the dual-properties,beyond which these entrepreneurs become more enlightened and more responsible than those capitalists.In our research,we also fund the dual-motivation of entrepreneurs' behaviors: the motivation from fetishism desires,and the motivation of achieving self-worth.In modern capitalist societies,the fetishism desires are still the mainly motivation of entrepreneur's behavior,but it is more secluded than the laissez-faire capitalism.In our socialist society,under the guidance of socialist thoughts and Marxism,the fetishism desires of Chinese entrepreneur are declining,and the motivation of achieving self-worth is becoming more and more important.This is the character of our entrepreneurial spirit,and also is our direction and goal of breeding entrepreneurial spirit.This paper has five constituent parts:The first part is an introduction,which mainly analyzed the background of the subject and the object of the study.The second part recommended the fetishism theory,mainly about the basic idea of the theory.We take Marx's fetishism theory as the theoretic basis of analyzing the motivation of profiteering behaviors.On the basis of researching Marx's Capital,the third part analyzed the dual-properties of both the capitalist's profiteering behaviors and the motivation of these behaviors.This part studied the classical perspectives of the motivation of capitalists' profiteering behaviors.The preliminary conclusion came at this part: the motivation of capitalists' profiteering behaviors is fetishism desire.The fourth part discussed to distinguish entrepreneurs from capitalists,and analyzed the dual-properties of entrepreneurs' profiteering behaviors.The last part analyzed Chinses entrepreneurs' profiteering behaviors,and propound several advises for Chinese entrepreneur spirit cultivating.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx's Fetishism Theory, Capitalists, Entrepreneurs, The Motivation of Profiteering Behaviors
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