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The Study On Theme Of The Novel Two Sisters And Mr.Kandinsky Written By Vladimir Makanin

Posted on:2019-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330545985324Subject:Russian Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Vladimir Semenovich Makanin,a contemporary Russian writer,has a lot of writings,which includes more than sixty long,medium,short stories and essays in his life.He has been hailed as "one of the most outstanding representatives of Russian literature".Makanin's works are characteristic of its unique artistic style and implication of a profound philosophy.The long novel Two Sisters and Kandinsky was published in the magazine New World in 2011,making the Great works award shortlist in the following year.It is an influential piece of works after his Underground,or a Hero of Our Time.Deep reflection on life has always been the essence of Makanin's works from the point of view of all human beings.Makanin ponders deeply over Russian life in the early 90s of last century in his novel Two Sisters and Kandinsky to illustrate the absurd,turbulent Russian society and reproduce contemporary spirit and mental predicament of that time.The novel Two Sisters and Kandinsky describes a lot of social problems,involving many aspects,such as love,art,whistleblowing,forgiveness and so on.These social problems have distinct characteristics of the times as well as eternal value.Since the advent of Two Sisters and Kandinsky,related review studies have been carried out in succession,but the study of this novel by Russian literary circles is mainly brief commentary,which is not comprehensive,deep and systematic.There is no systematic academic research on this works in Russia home and abroad.The study of Two Sisters and Kandinsky is still blank in China,even with no translation in Chinese.In view of Makanin's position and influence in Russian literary world,and the current undiscussed situation of Two Sisters and Kandinsky in China,this paper selects it as the research object and analyzes its main theme,aiming introduce Makanin's writing path and define the writing context of his novel; outline the plot and characters of Two Sisters and Kandinsky and the research achievements on it; systematically analyze the important theme of Two Sisters and Kandinsky.The thesis is composed of preface,text of five chapters,epilogue and references.The introduction part summarizes the research object,purpose,main tasks,specific methods,innovative points and practical significance of the paper.Chapter one:Vladimir Makanin and his Two Sisters and Kandinsky is a brief introduction to the road of Makanin's creation and his Two Sisters and Kandinsky,and a summary of the research achievements of the novel.Russian critics study the novel mainly from the theme,yet systematicness and academic nature are in want in the existing research.The second,third,fourth and five chapters analyze the main theme of Two Sisters and Kandinsky.Chapter two analyzes the theme of love,and love is a classic theme of Russian literature,which writers eulogize from different angles.The novel Two Sisters and Kandinsky,yet,describes the disillusionment of love in a particular era.Women are in pursuit of good love,however,men in the real world have disappointed them.They put their hopes on the new generation of St Petersburg men,expecting them to follow tradition,as brave as the Orlov brothers in history.But their love wish is doomed to fail in the age of whistleblowing.Chapter three analyzes the artistic theme.Kandinsky is a symbol of art in the novel.In the novel Two Sisters and Kandinsky art has a prediction power that is the spiritual pillar and source of inspiration for people.But art itself is in a predicament situation,unable to save people fundamentally.Chapter four explores the subject of informant.Makanin narrates two kinds of informants in the novel Two Sisters and Kandinsky-professional informants and spontaneous informants.Professional whistleblowers regard informant as a legitimate profession,while voluntary informants realize the negative impact of whistleblowing on society,yet remains to be frequent spontaneous whistleblowers.Whistleblowing has become a morbid phenomenon.Chapter five dissects the theme of forgiveness,which is different from the forgiveness of victims in previous literary works.In this novel,victims still forgive informants,even if they have always been reluctant to admit their sins.The precious and open-minded forgiveness does not arouse the informant's sincere repentance,nor terminate whistleblowing.Forgiveness cannot end sin and save the world.The epilogue summarize briefly the full text.Makanin gives a review of social life of early 90s of last century in early twenty-first century,showing the plight of people's survival.Makanin only describes without evaluation,but the rich and profound theme is thought-provoking,making some sense.
Keywords/Search Tags:Two Sisters and Kandinsky, Makanin, theme
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