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Journey Without End.Identify Formation And Finding Home In The Novel Zwischenstationen(1999) By Vladimir Vertlib

Posted on:2019-06-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330545475646Subject:German Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Austrian writer Vladimir Vertlib shaped a role as the narrator of the whole story in the novel Zwischenstationen,based on the author's own experience.Due to the political persecution,this Jewish family lasted several years,spanning Austria,Israel,the Netherlands,Italy,the United States and many other countries and cities of the long immigration trip thus started.Because of the multiplicity of identity,the protagonist and his parents have fallen into the dilemma of dislocation of their own identity and sense of belonging.At the same time,because of exile,frequent replacement of residence,homelessness and the strangeness of the environment have been closely associated with each other.Therefore,in the novel,the construction of identity,and the search for the so-called hometown,have become two important clues,and run through the full text.This article is mainly composed of the following three parts:First is the analysis of multiple identities.The protagonist,who was born in a Soviet Jewish family,grew up in a monolingual Russian environment,and then emigrated to other countries,has three identities:Jews,Russians,and the other,who are different from the natives.This chapter mainly analyzes the external impact on the identity of the protagonist due to the space of continuous migration and the changes of social environment,how the protagonist find a balance in this triple identity,and how language,religion,collective memory,family and other factors have left traces in the process of identity construction.Besids,how the protagonist deals with the dislocation or contradiction between group identity and identity when he is excluded from the group.Then is the analysis of the significance of cities and countries in the process of migration.What role does the place,as the carrier of memory,play in the migration?How the role of different cities changed,when the protagonist followed their parents changing immigration destinations?They have different cultural and social environment on the protagonist,as well as the protagonist's own space identity.Through the above two chapters,we can sum up the process of change and conclude the relationship between them.In the process of looking for hometown,the protagonist gradually overcomes the strangeness brought by the change of environment.The sense of homelessness and helplessness of wandering from one city to another are overcome by the familiarity of Vienna.Through the establishment of a grounded sense of familiarity,the hometown provides the possibility for a greater inclusiveness of the new changes,and also promotes the success of immigrant attempts.Keep home in your heart,and you can go further.Meanwhile the new journey brings new changes.In this interaction,the journey is not over.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vladimir Vertlib, Zwischenstationen, identify, home, migration
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