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A Report On The Translation Of A Companion To Colonial America (Excerpts)

Posted on:2019-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K ChengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A Companion to Colonial America,one of the historical books of Blackwell Companions to American history,was edited by Daniel Vickers,a renowned professor of early American studies.There is no Chinese translation been published..The book consists of twenty-three chapters,each of which is an independent treatise written by an expert in that specific field.The entire book covers a wide range of areas and adopts different historical perspectives in the study of early American history.It is a valuable reference book for researchers of colonial history.The project selects the 22 chapter "Cause of the America Revolution" of this book and translates it into Chinese.The author of this chapter is Sylvia Frey from Tulane University in Canada,who is also a famous scholar of American history.From a much wider perspective of American history,it analyzes the causes of the America revolution and changes in its colonial process.This report introduces the preparations before translation,considerations during translation and revisions after translation.Then with the applications of German Functionalist Christiane Nord's Function plus Loyalty principle,it explains how difficulties on the level of words and sentences are resolved.In the end,some inspirations and problems existing in this translation project are discussed.This report and the Chinese translation of this project have some practical significance to the translators of academic works and researchers of American history.
Keywords/Search Tags:A Companion to Colonial America, German Functionalist Approaches to Translation, Function plus Loyalty, translation strategies
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