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Collocation Problems In Consecutive Interpreting

Posted on:2019-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Buso CamillaFull Text:PDF
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Collocations are combinations of two or more words which often occur in our daily life.They can enrich the usage of a language and they differ among languages and cultures.Native speakers use them automatically and intuitively while nonnative speakers need to learn them in order to produce a sentence in the target language which does not sound awkward.I have found out that learners of a language generally have problems in finding the right combination of words,or collocation,in a language which is not their native one.This issue can be encountered while studying two completely different languages(and cultures)such as the Chinese and the English ones.I dear to say that studying collocations is probably the most challenging task regarding a language learning and interpreting.I think this kind of research can benefit learners of any language,since learning how to use collocations correctly is one of the most effective ways to improve one‘s proficiency.Hence,this paper aims to address one of the main challenges students and interpreters encounter in both Chinese and English languages,especially the ones who are not interpreting into their mother tongue.
Keywords/Search Tags:Collocations, consecutive interpreting, word combination, target language
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