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Narrative Research On Zhou Hao's Documentary

Posted on:2018-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330542456723Subject:Journalism and Communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,with the government departments continue to support the cultural industry,the creation of domestic documentary flourish again,a group of outstanding documentary creator also has emerged,Zhou Hao is one of them.He is engaged in the documentary creation since 2002,now has produced more than ten works,It's unique topics,simple lens language and objective neutral narrative expression has also been widely recognized in the industry.Especially in the documentary film narrative level,Zhou Hao is skillfully by feature film narrative thinking and news reports idea,implements the subjective expression and objective presentment,real life and artistic authenticity of perfect fusion.Specific to the actual works,the narrative features are embodied in the narrative subject,the narrative structure and the narrative space.Similar to most independent documentary creators,The narrative subject in Zhou Hao's works is also the third person narrator,but it is not static but in a dynamic development.We can see the change clearly through the analysis of the reality conception of Zhou Hao's documentary at different stages.That is,in the early creation by the direct film "objective realism" under the influence of "wall view of the world" and in the late creation of the creative subjective participation in the emphasis on "psychological realism”under the guidance of"hidden presence”.At the same time,as a journalist director,Zhou Hao attaches great importance to show the subjects from multiple perspectives,to achieve the expression of the balance and objective.So he has a strong preference for the plate narrative structure that can give him narrative initiative.In the narrative space,compared to most creators who like open space,Zhou Hao prefer to show and use closed space,in his works have appeared in the "island","secret room" and "stage carriage" three types of closed space image.In the specific narrative,these closed space images not only act as the carrier of the image story and the motive of the plot,but also as an important tool for the creator's emotional expression,playing the symbolic and metaphorical role.Through the deep discussion of Zhou Hao's works' narrative subject,narrative structure and narrative space,this article finally formed the whole understanding of Zhou Hao's documentary narrative style.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhou Hao's documentary, Narrator, Narrative structure, Narrative space
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