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Study On The Guizhou Poem In New Period

Posted on:2018-11-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J AiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330539975056Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Poets are sensitive group who feel in every moment every slight change innature,human beings,society,self,as well as the space and time.In the age,poets display their experience with poems.Their poems not only have profound imprints of times,but also reflect their thinking about country,history,nationality,life and humanity.In the end of early 1970 s,there were poets in Guizhou cutting a figure in domestic poetry field.Till now,there have been excellent works emerging in the poetry creation in Guizhou.Among numerous works,poems is boundless,becoming an inevitable literary phenomenon in Guizhou poetry creation.Systemize poems in Guizhou of new period;analyze political lyrics,regional and national cultural poems,and personal poems emerging in Guizhou of new period combined with the background and personal experience of poets,and explore the opportunity and background,connotation,artistic characteristic,innovation values,historical status,as well as enlightenment as to Guizhou poem in new period;the thesis mainly includes five part;Chapter one is introduction which emphasizes in defining the connotation of Guizhou poems of new period,and systemizing and classifying all kinds of poems like personal lyrics,regional and national cultural poems,political lyrics and so on,providing reliable basis for studies over Guizhou poem in new period.Chapter two starts from the creation background of poems in Guizhou of new period,analyzes the political and economic background of Guizhou poems,international and domestic environment,thus exploring the evolvement rules of Guizhou poems in the new period;Chapter three is to explore the connotations of poems in Guizhou of new period in time spirit,regional and national culture,personal spiritual values and so on,analyze the consideration and expression of creative subjects as to life values,survivalhomes,emotional life,time and historical imagination.Chapter four explains the multicultural pursuit and thinking about poems in Guizhou of new period,disclose the statics of Guizhou poems in contemporary poem field.The conclusion part summarizes the creation achievements of poem in new period,pursuits the existing problems and development tendency of Guizhou poem in new period,providing enlightenment for the creation of Guizhou poems later.
Keywords/Search Tags:Guizhou poem in new period, Spirit of the times, Llife consciousness, National feature, Regional cultural
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