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Study On Buyi's Funeral Ceremony Of Dazhai Village In Ceheng

Posted on:2018-09-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D YaoFull Text:PDF
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Based on the material foundation and combined with human survival rules constructed on the basis of it,the ecological wisdom is formed,which is transformed and created by human beings in practice.Village as the initial gathering tribe is the thick soil of traditional culture existence.The logic of cultural evolution can be controlled by social change and individual behavior logic.The ceremony with the cadaver which is encoffined is funeral.In the concept of the elaborate funeral,funeral ceremony is not only the most important transition ceremony for people,but also the most important ceremony in rural areas,which is the most important part of the cultural field.The establishment of funeral ceremony is based on society and individuals.Through the analysis of the funeral ceremony,the logic of cultural evolution and the relationship between ritual structure and social structure can also be finally sought.Through it,to seek the answer for how to inherit the traditional culture.Inheriting the Turner's relevant research theory about the ceremony and combining with the religious,social and cultural research tradition,this paper discusses about the Buyi nationality funeral ceremony in Dazhai village of Rong Du Zhen,Ceheng County,Southwest Guizhou Autonomous Prefecture.Today,in the cultural system of the Buyi people living in Dazhai village,the importance of funeral ceremony is self-evident,which is the process of appeasing the living and the dead,the concentrated expression of the traditional culture,logical presentation of social operation and the memory bank of the development and changes in order to explore the culture and society behind the ceremony through the analysis of the ceremony itself.This paper starts with the funeral ceremony related research collection,then elaborates the living environment of the people in Dazhai,then describes the processof Buyi funeral ceremony itself and analyzes the ceremony itself based on the description.Furthermore,it discusses about the culture and society of Dazhai.The article is divided into two parts.The first part includes the introduction and conclusion.The second part is the main body of the article,which is the content of the first chapter and the sixth chapter.The introduction briefly reviews the theoretical development of myth-ritual school,also organizes the domestic and foreign funeral ceremony research and reviews the process of the research on the Buyi funeral ceremony.The first chapter mainly describes the Buyi cultural habitat in Dazhai Village specifically from three aspects of natural environment,social environment and spiritual environment.The second chapter mainly starts with the origin of the funeral culture of Buyi nationality in Dazhai village,practical subject of funeral ceremony and preparation of articles,funeral ceremony field generation which is summarized and practical logic,and discusses on the practical logic of the practical subject in the field of the funeral ceremony.The third chapter mainly describes the funeral ceremony of the Buyi people in Dazhai,which is divided into three stages to describe.The fourth chapter mainly analyzes the structure,elements of the ceremony itself,the blending state and the anti structure of ceremony itself in the process of the ceremony and props used in ceremonies and its symbols,of which the analysis of ceremony process structure is carried out by threshold.The fifth chapter mainly carries on the cultural deep description of funeral ceremony,respectively analyzes the Bu Mo scriptures and the ceremony itself to explore the history of Buyi nationality and the cognition of the people of the Buyi people,and the filial piety of the Buyi people from the perspective of religious anthropology.The sixth chapter mainly describes about the maintenance of the ceremony structure and social structure,which analyzes the stability of divinity rule and traditional structure from the rights operation of the ceremony field,and discussesabout the continuation of traditional culture by the phenomena shown in the ceremonyThrough the study,it is found that Buyi funeral ceremony in Dazhai is not only the window of traditional culture,but also the concentrated embodiment of social operation.Based on the changes of the field nature,the evolution speed for funeral ceremony as the carrier of the Buyi traditional culture of Dazhai is slower than other carriers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Buyi, funeral ceremony, Dazhai village, filed, cultur
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