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Guo Dongxu And The Study Of Legal History In The Song Dynasty

Posted on:2018-12-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330539485078Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Guo Dong-xu is a famous modern historian on Ancient Chinese History Study in China and one of the pioneer of Song Dynasty Legal System Research.He produced a great deal of worksand had a good reputation in academic world.Guo's works such as"Song Dynasty Legal System Research"(??????),”A Study of Yan Zhao's Culture”(???????)and so on.Guo's academic life can be divided into Hebei university history department and before(1961-1981),Laboratory study on Song Dynasty Study Center(??????1981-2010),retirement period(2010-present).Guo's research results in the field of the law in legal history about Song dynasty and the Song dynasty in the field of civil law,regional culture.These achievements had demonstrated the Mr Guo's status.In the aspect of legal system,Mr.Guo is an early modern science of classification and research methods to study the pioneers of the legal documents of the Song Dynasty,the Song Dynasty on the civil law,inheritance law,finance and other aspects of the marriage law.In the aspect of legal civilization,he paid more attention to the research of the ordinary people,young and old,widows,women,the disabled and other vulnerable groups of legal assistance and protection measures.In the aspect of regional legal culture,Mr.Guo is the first one to study the legal culture of Yan and Zhao regions.His research including the systematical summarizes of previous' discussion,the construction of legal system,law writings and the temperament of Bohai,Gao's research.These study had a special contribution to the breakthrough previous'.Guo's main historical characteristics embodies in his pursuit of historical and realistic spirit.Guo method of historiography main characteristic mainly reflects in his grasp of the Marxist historical and practical pursuit.Its researching orientation preference folk legal issues also reflects his simple disposition and pragmatic style.Guo in the process of concrete should be also have indeed some specific and effective feasible researching method is available for reference.Such as he induction,statistics,mathematical methods,vision and compiled through.Guo's main historical characteristics embodies in his pursuit of historical and realistic spirit.Guo method of historiography main characteristic mainly reflects in his grasp of the Marxist historical and practical pursuit.Its researching orientation preference folk legal issues also reflects his simple disposition and pragmatic style.Guo in the process of concrete should be also have indeed some specific and effective feasible researching method is available for reference.Such as he induction,statistics,mathematical methods,vision and compiled through.
Keywords/Search Tags:Guo Dong-xu, Song Dynasty Legal history, Legal civilization, Regional historical, Characteristics and the methods
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