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An Ethical Analysis On Conceptions Of Contemporary Chinese Social Wealth

Posted on:2018-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R Q HuFull Text:PDF
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Since the reform and opening up,China's economy is in a state of rapid growth,the per capita income of the people is gradually increasing,a lot of people get a lot of wealth.However,after these wealth is created by the magnificent background,people's conceptions of social wealth did not renew,thus lead to many social evils.People's lives are filled with many other troubles,but also a lot of individuals or organizations to seek wealth and damage the interests of other people.In our real life,there are some people to seek wealth,and take the means of immoral,this phenomenon in our society which is not rare,and even can be said to occur frequently.In the vast wealth,huge profit driven under,the national society has a lot of people's values have changed gradually,weaken the moral consciousness,such social phenomenon greatly affected the people's lives and for the development of our society is also very unfavorable.Under this background,conceptions of social wealth appeared has its practical significance,this is why I write this paper.therefore,were studied under the condition of market economy of our country wealth ethics dilemma is has the profound practical significance,which is the origin.Introduction of the first part of the thesis first introduced the background of wealth ethics predicament of our country under the condition of market economy,briefly describes the purpose and significance of the study,the domestic and foreign research status are briefly described in this paper.The second chapter,compare wealth with views of wealth from their basic concept carries on the elaboration,the wealth view contains the logical relationship with modern western classical economics and philosophy and Marxist wealth view carries on the analysis.In Chapter 3 of the paper I review on historical development of China's conceptions of social wealth,it includes the ancient Confucian conceptions of social wealth which matches the needs of emperor;modern China's conceptions of social wealth which aims at saving the nation from extinction;finally,contemporary China's conceptions of social wealth which aims at the whole nation's rich and strong.Chapter four is mainly to analyze the causes of wealth ethics predicament of our country combining with the lack of Chapter 3 of the wealth of the people view,it faces difficulties in wealth creation,wealth distribution,wealth exchanging and wealth spending,it is not good for personal freedom and development in an all-round way,it can do harm to the market-oriented economy functioning and the built of harmonious society.The fifth chapter is the countermeasure study of the paper,is mainly from the predicament of wealth ethics and try to find way out to put forward the corresponding countermeasures,first of all from the moral level to encourage people to the pursuit of ethical wealth with hard working;secondly,we should lead the people to followed by social wealth distribution through various ways;thirdly,in the exchanging level,we should call on people to cultivate the thrift consumption concept,efforts to improve the spiritual level to ensure the balanced development of the level of wealth and moral,finally,in consumption level,we should encourage people to create a thrifty and reasonable wealth consumption and contribute to the community,striving to build a new,scientific,positive wealth ethics view.
Keywords/Search Tags:conceptions of social wealth, ethics, morality, dilemma, Sociology
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