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A Study On The Development Of Feminism In Turkey In The 20th Century

Posted on:2018-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330536963965Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of feminism in Turkey was an example of the development of feminism in Islamic countries.It involves the history of Turkey,politics,culture and other fields,can not be isolated as a woman's own development.The development of feminism in Turkey has been largely influenced by the political development of the country,and the common role of secularization and Islam has contributed to the unique development of Turkish feminism.This paper tries to analyze the characteristics and trends of the development of feminism in different historical stages of development of modern Turkey by means of the political development as the main line and the political development as the main line.This article divides the development of Turkish feminism into four stages: the first stage is a series of reforms carried out for the purpose of the rich and powerful forces of the Ottoman Empire,during which time women did not get too much rights but began to make women trying to Breaking the shackles of the Islamic state,nurtured the germination of Turkish feminism.The second stage is a series of secular reform measures carried out by Kemal during the Republic,and provided a strong impetus to the development of feminism under the guidance of its six principles.The third stage is the 50-80 years,the political chaos situation,the Islamic renaissance to the secular development of the variables,the political influence of feminism into the differentiation.The fourth stage is the more moderate since the 1980 s,the Islamic party in power.Secularization and religious mutual checks and balances to establish a relatively stable political situation,for the history of baptism of the feminists to create a good environment,the development of Turkish feminism into a new period.The development of feminism in Turkey is the result of multi-faceted cooperation between the state and society,among which secularization and religion are the two most important factors.Feminists who have been exercised in the development of feminism began to gradually separate from the dependence on government and politics and to promote the development of Turkish feminism in order to achieve genuine equality between men and women.
Keywords/Search Tags:Turkey, Feminism, Secularization, Islamism
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