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A Study Of Yuefuyuan

Posted on:2018-03-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330536957062Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Yuefuyuan is edited by Xu Xianzhong who lived in the Ming Dynasty Jiajing years.It was not evaluated in Qing Dynasty,However,Mr.Wanghuibin and Mr.Wuxiangzhou said it is valuable in the study of Yuefu for nowadays.And it can help us to understand the characteristics of Yuefu in the the Ming Dynasty.This paper take Yuefuyuan as the object of study,mainly from the editor and compilation,the layout of the system,the choice of poetry and the compliment of poetry.The first chapter mainly describes the Yuefuyuan editor and the book situation.As researchers have compiled a chronology,this article focuses on his experience in tSongjiang,career ups and downs and vowed Wuxing.Xu edited Yuefuyuan for tow purpose,one is explian Hanyuefu,one is tell the change of society.The draft of the draft of the draft should be preceded by Jiajing thirty-nine years,the common version of two,that is,Jiajing forty years and Wanli thirty-seven years.The second chapter mainly examines the arrangement of Yuefu Yuan.First of all,sort out the pre-Ming Yuefu poems in the history of the history of "music".And then analysis of the Yuefuyuan's system,including preamble,classification and arrangement order,poetry selection,poetry evaluation.The third chapter studies the choice of Yuefuyuan.On the basis of analyzing the situation of the topic selection under the music class,this chapter summarizes the characteristics of the poems of the poem: the main words of "the rhetoric",the importance of the content of the song is consistent with the original meaning of the song,there are only the original title and not the phenomenon of poetry.The fourth chapter explores the commentary of Yuefuyuan poems."The original" of the "original",can be divided into the original music and poetry of the original,the former trace the origin of various types of music and its spread in the later generations,which is the interpretation and analysis of the meaning of the meaning."Yuefu original" in the commentary of different periods of Yuefu poem is obviously different,so this chapter divided Han and ancient words,Wei and Jin Dynasties Yuefu poems,Northern and Southern Yuefu poems,Sui and Tang Dynasties poem four stages of discussion.The overall characteristics of the poem is the "Ya Zheng",still "subtle",mostly to "wind teaching" on poetry,the use of Confucianism and Confucianism by the method of comment.There are three parts of the appendix,one is the "original song" of the "original title",the second is "Yuefu original" of the poem,the third is "Yuefu original" commentary.This work will facilitate future researchers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xuxianzhong, Yuefuyuan, Retrospect, The choice of poems, Commentary
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