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A Study On The Female View Of The Giguai Novels In Wei And Jin Dynasties

Posted on:2018-11-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330536472697Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In Chinese feudal society,the female view is often thoughtan important part of the male thought system.To a certain extent,we can learn about the real situation of the femalein the patriarchal society through the female view.This paper looks theGiguai Novelsof Wei and Jin dynasties as the research object,because of the Giguai novels has many characteristics,suchas freedom,folklore,authenticity,and so on.We try to learn about the female view thatis generally acceptedin the Wei and Jin societythrough the shaping of the female image,so as to understandreal living conditions of the femaleduring the Wei and Jin period.The article's main body is divided into four chapters:The first chapter,studies from the perspective of “female accomplishment”.Firstly,it defines for the concept of “four virtues”,and combs the concept of "four virtues" before Wei and Jin dynasties.Then,based on thetext of Giguai Novels in Wei and Jin dynasties,it analyses the specific transformation of the concept of “fourvirtues”.Through the comparison and analysis,we know that the concept of “fourvirtues”in Wei and Jin dynastieshas made some changes based on inheriting the former concept of “fourvirtues”in order to “make the female obedient” as the core,which develops towards the direction ofmaking the female accomplishment developmore freely.The essence of itis still not free from bondage “for the purpose of serving men and family”,but it really has made same progress compared with the before.The second chapter spyout the real situation of the female inWei and Jin dynasties from the perspective of “family,marriage and sexual relations”.it do an analysisconcretely from the aspects of “different family roles played by thefemale”,“the view of marriage” and “the way to be one's wife”.We learn about that the female is still in a subordinate positionin the family,and they must stick to the meaning of ”Three Obediences ” all the life.Although the mother and father have the same status in a family,the essence of which is still revealing the patriarchal.The notion of “female subordination”has not been broken,but there have been some female images who areflashing early feminist glorious,such as the girls who actively pursuit their lovers,jealous women,and so on.The third chapter studies from the perspective of female “the female and society”,do an analysis concretely from the three aspects: “the different social roles played by thefemale”,“thefemale with political” and“thefemale with religious”.The analysis shows that on the one hand,the status of the female having entered the society is still low,and they have often been materializedhaving no personal freedom,and they are often discriminated against in the political life.However,on the other hand,the involved range of the social roles played by them is wider,and they participate in religious activities more frequently,and their political participation consciousness have notvanished completely yet.The fourth chapter based on the former three chapters multi-angle analysis,summarizes the features of the female view: In favor of their unfetterednature;tolerating the open female wind;appreciating their noble and sympathetic to their condition.And then,do a deeply analysis about its behind reasonsfrom the aspects of society,history,culture,thought,and so on.The author thinks that under the background of the alternating of political rights,popular destitution,and so on,the factors such as “the recession of Confucianism”,“the occurrence of the Metaphysics”,“the rise of Buddhism and Taoism”,and “the diffusion of Hu-Wind ”are all the reasons of forming the unique female view.besides,we can not rule out there is a "time lag" between traditional female teaching and its social influence yet.Through the multi-angle analysis and summary of the article main body part,we hope to understand the real living conditions of the female more solidly during the Wei and Jin period,and help contemporary female to examine themselves more objectively and more rationally.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wei and Jin Dynasties, GiguaiNovels, FemaleView, the Characteristics, the Reasons
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