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Narrative Ethics Of Ye Shengtao's Novels

Posted on:2018-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z F LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330533957447Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Narrative Ethics refers to the novel both the use of narrative art form and the expression of ethic meaning in the process of the story.Narrative Ethics divides into two aspects: Story Ethics and Narrative Ethics.As the litterateur who believes in “art for sublime life”,Ye Shengtao's novels not only have abundant thoughts of ethic meaning but the great aesthetic value.Analyzing and criticizing Ye Shengtao's novels with Narrative Ethics can make contributions to the overall comprehension of novels' thoughts and aesthetics in the novel criticism research,the construction of the Chinese Narrative Ethics Theory in the literary theory research.Story Ethics of Ye Shengtao's novels exists changes from the personal survival ethics in the early of Ye Shengtao's novels to collective social ethics in the later.These changes began to appear in the rear section of Xian Xia,and tend to mature after the mighty revolution failed.Personal ethics is the denial of gloomy life,the affirmation of beauty and love ideal.Collective ethics is the criticism of the petty-bourgeois intellectuals,the calling and reflection of the revolution.As the Story Ethics change,the Narrative Ethics of Ye Shengtao's novels also show its characteristics.In the pattern of narrative function,modality pattern is the main forms of art that Ye Shengtao's novels use.Sentiment pattern usually appears in the early of Ye Shengtao's novels.Plot pattern usually appears in the later of Ye Shengtao's novels.In the narrative person,third person is the main forms of art that Ye Shengtao's novels use.First person is less used and often appears in the early of Ye Shengtao's novels.In the narrative visual point,perfect-focus point is the main forms of art that Ye Shengtao's novels use and meanwhile internal focus point is not completely ignored.Social times and author's personal experience have effects on the form of Narrative Ethics:Poor hard early experiences,success in career and love mainly affect the form of Narrative Ethics in the early of Ye Shengtao's novels.The change of residence and occupation,communications between revolution friends mainly affect the form of Narrative Ethics in the later of Ye Shengtao's novels.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ye Shengtao's novels, Narrative Ethics, Story Ethics, formative factors
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