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Confrontation Between Schiller's Thoughts Of Aesthetic Education And The Modern Technical Governance

Posted on:2018-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R R FengFull Text:PDF
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Friederich.Schiller,a great aesthetics thinker in the history of Germany classic aesthetics.The core point of Schiller's viewpoint in aesthetics is “aesthetics is the freedom in phenomenon.”,the related key point is “the game”.“Only when people could be called as a people,they can play;Only people who can play,they could be called as a people.” Thus,“the game” is the natural action from people who get rid of the emotional and rational force,mainly showing the unite of sensibility and rational,nature and freedom,form and content.There are two opposite needs of people,one is the substantiality and the other is the formality.Realize these two needs also needs one push,“impulsion”.Realizing the former one needs “external impulsion”,realizing the latter one needs “sensible impulsion”.We should make these two to supplement with each other and realize the accordance,and then we could realize the complete of the humanity.Because these two opposite impulsions destroy the complete of humanity,we need the third one to complete it,called “the game impulsion”.The character of “the game impulsion” is to comply with rational rules and not to be restrained by it,to satisfy sensible needs but to be dominated by it.With the developmental process of modern industrialization,the integrality of people has been destroyed.It makes our own development to have some limitations,which are also the necessary steps for the development of culture and the progression of human being.But for the individual,sacrifice the integrality of the personality.Aesthetic education is needed to restore the integrity of people only through the constant improvement of the powers of aesthetic appreciation to find the path to human fulfillment,namely “through aesthetic freedom to give people ethics”.The more technical progress of modern industrial society provides,the more restrains people are given.Popular and commercial arts make it to be the tools of the pent-up society,which result to the one dimensional between the human being and culture.Schiller's aesthetic idea and the development of modern industrial revolution on the antagonism of is that people's free development and "impulse" is the essence of human,but modern science and technology bring people into the one,not free machines,people's free development and technology progress control of the tension of the sharp conflict between formations.Study of Schiller's aesthetic thoughts,the purpose of alienation from the state of survival is to liberate,seek the consistency of transcendental and experience,ideal and reality.Through the study of Schiller's aesthetic thought reveals from the aesthetic education to find to the possibility of redemption of one-dimensional people,and to reveal Schiller's aesthetic ideal of contemporary meaning-towards the harmony,the harmonious development of society is the correspondence of Schiller's aesthetic education and the all-round development of human beings.Therefore,Schiller's aesthetic education thought although the nature of the aesthetic utopia,but its technology in the industrial civilization rule and personality full of harmonious development with the reference and role that cannot be ignored.
Keywords/Search Tags:Schiller's Thoughts of Aesthetic Education, Humanity, Technical Governance, Confrontation
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