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A Study Of Discourse Markers In The Vernacular Novels Of Ming And Qing Dynasties

Posted on:2018-03-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330533465193Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In verbal communication of human behavior,"Discourse" is a method that the speaker uses to convey propositional information and influence the recipient feelings,it contains the basic discourse and meta discourse,basic discourse topic conveies information,while meta discourse guides listener to understand and evaluate information.In actual communication,the finished product can be written or spoken language,it can be a word,a phrase,an article or a novel.Discourse markers do not participate in the basic discourse information,they organize discourse,while the speaker establish links with the hearer through discourse markers and to help them understand the speaker's intention,it is a marker of human rhetorical intent to convey speaker?s willing.The object of this paper is the discourse markers in novels of Ming and Qing Dynasties,after screened and collected a large amount of corpus,the discourse markers are classified and described in detail,and we discusses the status and function of discourse markers.This paper is divided into six chapters,the first part is introduction of discourse markers,divided into three sections,the first section is the object of study and the theoretical basis of this paper;the second section summarizes the domestic and foreign?s research status and related theories of the discourse and discourse markers;the third section is the research ideas,framework and methods of screening.The first chapter is the analysis of related concepts,is divided into four sections.The first section is the detailed description of definition and classification of discourse markers;the second section analyzes the close relationship and difference between discourse markers and meta discourse markers;the section three describes the relationship between discourse markers and topic markers,we define and rank the topic in the novel,laying the groundwork for further research;the fourth section points out that semantic function of discourse markers is as important as its textual function and interpersonal interaction value function.The second chapter discusses the discourse markers in colloquial novels of the Ming and Qing Dynasties,they are the most frequently used and the most obvious and most distinctive discourse markers in the novels of the Ming and Qing Dynasties,this chapter is divided into four sections.The first section discusses the topic markers,divided into topics begin,conversion and end markers;the second section is the logical relation markers,it is divided into three parts: progressive,reasoning,example,elaboration,summary marker;the third section is the source of evidence markers,analysis the typical "yún" discourse markers and "dào" discourse markers and other discourse markers;fourth section is annotated markers,mainly is "n?ishì",and distinguish other "n?ishì" appeared in the other sub category.The third chapter is the vernacular novels of Ming and Qing Dynasties?s interaction markers,divided into two sections.The first section is the evaluation of markers,mainly divided into two categories,one is "jiàn" discourse markers,one is "shì" discourse markers,and distinguish their differences between function and collocation;the second section is the referential markers,analysis interpersonal interaction function of the typical "kàngu?n","lièwèi" markers in colloquial novels in Ming and Qing Dynasties.The fourth chapter is the semantic function,is divided into three sections.The first section is the internal index markers,classify and distinct the function and signify of the "sh?","zhuàn","wén","huí","huà" markers;section two is the time indicated markers,mainly divided into "shí" markers and other markers,and analyze their differences and different time construction in the text;the third section is the spatial deixis markers,there are mainly two categories,one is the noun discourse mark,another is pronoun discourse makers,analysis differences and function of this two on their referent.The fifth chapter analyzes the differences of discourse markers in the novels of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.The last chapter is the conclusion,we summarizes the whole text,and points out the shortcomings of this study and the need for improvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Discourse Markers, Novels in Ming and Qing Dynasties, Interpersonal Interaction Markers, Directional Markers
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