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On The Practice Of Big Data Technology

Posted on:2017-05-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Q XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330518999906Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Big data in each large network media coverage shows the supernatural;large data in the form of books are a lot of hot issues the,Robin Li,Baidu,Tencent Ma,Alibaba Ma Yun of become well-known data rich web search engine upgrade let people dizzying,smart phone has become a part of our lives can not be separated from the now,big data completely changed our work and life style of big data era is to thunder cover less than potential of the ear blowing and,we also quickly entered the era of big data.The rise of big data technology,has been that the implementation of large data on the true method of scientific practice philosophy proposition: "the obsession with accuracy is the lack of information era and the era of analog products only 5% of the data is structured and can apply to the traditional database without confusion,the remaining 95% of unstructured data can not be used,only accept the imprecision,we can open the window of the world has never been involved in big data technology to contextual knowledge,local knowledge,diversity of knowledge can be included in the scope of knowledge,science,no exclusion,no choice,but reflects more inclusive so that Schoen Berg conclusion said:" compared to depend on small data and accuracy of the era of big data,because the integrity and hybridity of more emphasis on data,help us further Close to the truth "in short,big data technology to the practice of bringing the complexity and diversity of the second revolution.The era of big data brought us many of the concepts of the change,but also brought many new scientific methods and new tools,thus changing the we explore world of big data technology for us provides new thoughts and methods of scientific theory,but the lack of specific implementation the rise of the way to the big data technology to make up for the deficiency of the practice theory,the practice theory into the concrete operation methods and tools can be,to bring the practice on the real revolution "the era of big data will be released huge value allows us to choose the idea and the method of data is no longer a right balance,but leads to the inevitable future change.From all walks of life decision becomes increasingly dependent on data intensive "smart service system,a data as the center,emphasis on statistics,quantification and data correlation and non interpretation of the concept,conceptual reasoning,logic associated with the new cultural paradigm is bound to rise it will deeply affect contemporary social practice,affecting the organization of society as a whole,the mode of management,people's way of life,will also change,social management,the concept of business will change.The era of big data still inherited the cultural spirit of the Internet,Internet to create interactive,the era of big data makes the media integration of all media trends,integration of information interchange technology and media technology information media trend is bound to further strengthen the culture provides a broader world at the same time,the traditional production of the production of social consumption decision the operation logic of experience in the consumer society consumer led the production of inverter,with the advent of the era of big data,production and consumption are breaking through long-term production and consumption split,operation synchronization,feedback lag linear schema,dominated--by two yuan of credit pattern appears to be this or that,real-time interaction.A new situation for the business trend of big data industry,cross-border cross-border horizontal mixed production and consumption,one provides conditions richly endowed by nature Also,it will promote the integration of a variety of miscible history of civilization,the positive energy agricultural civilization,industrial civilization and information civilization is in the age of big data information platform is to enhance the integration of.Big data "person,machine," three yuan in the world space network(Cyberspace)in the interaction,fusion produce and big data available on the Internet.The large data size and complexity grow beyond Moore's hardware capacity growth,to the existing IT architecture,machine processing and computing ability has brought great challenges at the same time,but also for the people to make full use of large value of large data networks has brought great opportunities.Therefore,it is an urgent need to explore and practice the scientific problems of big data,found that the practice of common law of big data technology,the basic theory of quantitative analysis of big data technology,qualitative and basic methods are analyzed in this paper.The construction of big data technology,big data technology of non traditional forms,big data technology practice,summarized the main content of human activities under the big data technology And the practice of the people of the era of big data on steering and the modernization of philosophy and other aspects of the main problems and the research status,and development trend of big data science,data calculation needs a new mode and new paradigm,new IT infrastructure and data security and privacy aspects of.
Keywords/Search Tags:Big data technology, virtual practice, digital
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