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A Study Of The Women 'Five Good' Role Model Campaignsin The 1950s In Wuhan

Posted on:2018-05-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330518977440Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In 1952,in order to balance the relations of production, in the Northeast where heavy industry developed fast, the Northeast Union first to calling the education of the dependents of staff and workers.In this education, women were called to help workers eat well,sleep well and rest well,which called 'Three Good' Role Model Campaigns.At the same time,women also were received to learn socialist,and got a good result. With the development of Patriotic Movement, to support Korean War and develop produce, the'Three Good' Role Model Campaigns began to become the 'Five Good'Role Model Campaigns that content is help workers have a good rest, make a good life plan, have a good family harmony, and get along with neighbors.Under the slogan of Five Good,the Northeast Family Committee of Worker Dependents organized group of family members and econmical mutual aid which played an important role in the realationship of family and country.Due to the Women's Federation pay a lot of attention to the work of Worker Dependents, Women's Federation change the old opinion that advocating women get out of family to work.Housework was redefined, people relearned that housework is important and is good for working.In 1954, Wuhan Women's Federation began to pursue The Five Good, that inclued make a good plan, encourage workers to produce good,solidarity and mutual aid, learning and education of children good, and have a good health.After two years development, Five Good became popular.In 1956, the campaign was mature,it had a detailed request which called Guige,and had a good effect.In 1957,the campaign entered a heyday stage, more and more people joined in and held a big meeting to acclaim advanced person.In the period of the Great Leap Forw, the campaign was weaking, with the agitated social atmosphere, Five Good was different, bacaming a tool to civilize women.On the whole, the Wuhan Women 'Five Good'Role Model Campaigns in 1950s achieved all goals.It had formed a good mode to be learned and had a far-reaching influence.Meanwhile, with the development of society, the Five Good campaign appeared a trait that economy leading and political priority. Soon after, the campaign was becoming more and more politicization.However,there are also so many disadvantages in the movment.For example, the organization was unpowerful, the education was just so so and the advanced person were lack of guiding.The most strange was this movement which is to build the equality between men and women made the unequal between men and women become serious. In general, the Wuhan Women 'Tive Good'Role Model Campaigns in 1950s had many positive effects, like helping work, making family harmonious and stabling society.But there are also many bad effects, like making family lost the freedom, making women bear too much and more and more politicization and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:1950s, Wuhan, Women' s Federation, ' Five Good' examples
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