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On The Intersection Of Life And Art

Posted on:2018-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330518976768Subject:School of music and dance
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Life is the source of artistic creation,artistic creation is higher than life,want to create high quality dance works,can not be separated from the creation of dance for life analysis,the two are inseparable.Our ancestors for the pursuit of art in ancient times there,when they want to express their inner feelings,it will be through the body movements to perform,this is the earliest form of dance.Now,with the changes in people's lives,in the dance expression and creation,people can according to their own life experience,continuous development and innovation,create a variety of dance,dance from simple action changes,slowly Evolved into a rich emotional art creation.In the dance art,social dance is one of the big branches,but also now dance performances more prosperous dance art form.The earliest proposed "social dance" concept is the British Laban Center in 1976 published books "Laban Center tutorial".By Rudolf Laban inference from the theory of dance,the emergence of this term in the twentieth century,the rapid acquisition of the fifties,and soon spread to promote.My country first proposed the concept of "social dance" in 1987.The main body of the participation of social dance is the broad masses,dance culture as the basic form,which also contains a long history of the Chinese nation's traditional culture and rich ethnic dance characteristics.Therefore,social dance with the times,modernity,national character,tradition.Social dance as an important part of social and cultural,with the continuous evolution of society,its performance is also the interpretation of different artistic characteristics.The performance of dance art is inseparable from the editor of the collection of life,social dance in the creation is based on social life to carry out the material collection.With the rapid development of social development,dance content and form more rich and changeable.Therefore,as a social dance in the creation,must meet the needs of the times,to be able to maintain the traditional characteristics of traditional dance at the same time,but also innovation and development,more in line with people's aesthetic needs.These requirements must be considered for the creators of social dance.The choreographer must weigh the relationship between the goodelements of life and the shaping of the artistic beauty,so that the social dance works can be close to the people,close to life,with artistic value,its creation becomes more perfect.This article from the director point of view,based on the actual life of the people,mining to capture the details of life,to achieve the value of social dance significance.So that the traditional national dance culture inherited through social dance,reflecting the social value of social dance.More importantly,the authenticity of social dance to flourish,to avoid social dance and professional dance confusion,so that the masses to experience the true meaning of social dance and value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Life and art, Choreographer, Social dance
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