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1 Ajanta Grottoes Inspection Record

Posted on:2018-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H WangFull Text:PDF
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Buddhism was introduced into,for central Asia style in every region of the various periods of Buddha grottoes.Because the dunhuang and the historical condition at that time in the silk road fortress,it formed the important influence on Chinese Buddhism and the art of an important condition,works of this period,Chinese culture has been influenced by foreign culture.Whether painting skill,or character modelling,pen color,is a learning experience.Foreign culture has been accepted and adopted.And at this time of the mastery of foreign culture and native culture,eclectic,makes individuality more highlighted.This article is about the Indian 1 ajantawat drop magic and dunhuang 254 wat,northern wei period drop the magic change the comparison of the two murals.Article is divided into five parts,the system of the two different regions,different period performance drop magic into the theme of mural painting materials,pigments used in the characteristic,the painting method,and found that excavation is introduced and expounded.Applying the theory of image and the comparative analysis of the way of combining of the two ancient mural drop magic figure for a study of multiple points of view.Find out the different and same features from the perspective of painting.As a whole,an overview of the first chapter involves the general situation and status of the two paintings.Chapter two analyzes the two paintings of different historical and cultural background,and geographical features,etc.,thus it is concluded that Buddhism was introduced to Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges development have important influence on dunhuang murals.The third chapter,according to the composition of two murals and screen layout in detail,such as analysis of similarities and differences between two fresco composition,thus,the paintings and sculptures of India,etc.,is a classic,of buddhist art has a significant impact on other countries Buddhism.The fourth chapter mainly from the colors of ancient murals and the painting method for comparison.The fifth chapter mentioned two mural art value and the influence of modern art.By comparing against India and murals of dunhuang murals ajanta characteristics,we can feel as Buddhism eastward,the dissemination of art,the silk road this important site,at the confluence of Indian civilization and the central plains civilization,the development of buddhist art is the civilization of important,two mural works from the concrete study,you can see in the ancient artists painting spirit and ideal,during the period of religion spread,masters with painting figure of Buddha and buddhist story painting,painting and other as the main carrier,JingBian distant,in the ancient art,the present induction and enlightenment can gain from it.also let us feel the strength of the ancients created the profoundly,and the uniqueness of the Chinese traditional painting language.In the face of foreign buddhist culture,is not a simple copy,but with own understanding,into their feelings and painting skills,make foreign culture further nationalization and localization.In today's era,we need to learn from the ancients contemporary artist this spirit of the craftsman,and thought how to painting essence inherit and carry forward.
Keywords/Search Tags:drop the magic screen layout Modern painting art creation
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