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Study On The Poem Of All Knowing-one Jamyangshepa

Posted on:2018-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J R i k c h e k h y a b Full Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515994070Subject:Chinese minority language and literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In Amdo,a mere mention of the name,Kun mkyen'Jam yang She pa(Jamyang Shadpa),would make all and sundry fold their hands on chest with utter reverence.But if people were ask about the nature of his literary output,"influenced by Indian poetic tradition" would be the most probable answer I guess.Works like Kun mkyen bla ma'i rnam thar(The autobiography of Kunkyen Lama)and Bya ka lan ta ka'I tris lan legs par bshad pa ae ma ho(An illustration of the answer by ka lan taka bird!)by the author bear the influences of the poetic tradition of South.The characteristic of his other works:Bstod tshig mgrin sngon ral ba'i rgyan mchog and Grub mtha'i rtsa tshig(The root letters of doctrine),which are hard to comprehend,surely is due to the influence of Indian poetic tradition.It is to note that not all his writings are characterized by the Indian tradition-which is hard to crack.The corpus of his work bears the dual influences of both East(India)and South(?).The chief features of his poetry are economy of words and precision of the subject matter,his Grub mtha'i rtsa tshig(The root letters of doctrine)is a perfect testimony to this ingenuity.Additionally,the works of this great man stand apart from modern poetry,which looks more like a coerced craft that lacks coherence.Though multiple sound devices ornate his poetry,the subject matter and rhythm of the words haven't lost perfect synchronization;akin to a mixture of milk with water.There is dearth of research on the aesthetic aspects and other features of poems by the poets of his time,more importantly,the poet's perfection in the employment of diction and the other features of his poem.Thus,I feel that this area has research significance.This research paper is composed of three parts.The first is about the form of Jam yang She pa's poetry,second deals with the aesthetic aspects of his poetry and the last throws light on the value of his poetry.In the first part,based on seven different perspectives:the types of poetry,the arrangement of poetic rules,prologue...etc,the paper analyzes the form of his poetry.The second part of this paper is focusing on the physical rules of his poem from three perspectives and have analyzed it on the base of subject matters.In the last part of the paper,contents the value of Jam yang She pa's poem and,where he got the poetic dogma.And also how to be advanced instruction continua of his own poetic scripture named goddess oral instruction of brilliant of thousands the sun.Then mentioned the values of southeastern poetic subject matters with focusing the values Jamyangshepa's subject matter.And also the values of eastern subject matter with expression.Another way analyzing the values of Jam yang She pa's education to look at the features and contemporary status of traditional Tibetan poetry with an intention of inheriting and propagating the poetic tradition.The incorporation of the aspects of other traditions in order to enrich Tibetan poetry is another objective of this paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jamyangshepa, poem, modal
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