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Precarious Manhood And Its Effects On Aggression

Posted on:2018-10-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C C SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515977926Subject:Development and educational psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The main purpose of this study is to test the precarious manhood and to explore the impact of precarious manhood on aggression.This study suggest that if individuals(especially men)agree that manhood is precarious,he(she)may think precarious manhood need to positive proof through a variety of activities.Thus we proposed the first hypothesis of this study that men(rather than women)use more verbs when complete the sentence of “one man should” sentence than the sentence of "one woman should".In order to test hypothesis 1,50 undergraduates(including 25 boys and 25 girls)of Sichuan Normal University were selected as the experimental subjects,and 2(gender: male and female)x 2(types of sentences:“a man should be”,“A woman should”)two factors mixed experimental design.The results show that men use more verbs when fill out "a man should" sentence than “a woman should”sentence,and this difference is not significant in women.After controlling the content of gender stereotypes,men still show similar language patterns.Since men are more likely to associate manhood with actions than women,it is more likely that men see aggression as a cultural scripting strategy to repair damaged manhood.Because people often attribute the individual's behavior caused by the cultural script to the external context.Therefore,if male participants agreed that other male's aggression induced by threatened manhood is part of the male cultural script,male participants were inclined to attribute the aggressive behavior of other males that restored threatened manhood to the external circumstances.Female subjects attributed the aggression of other males or other females and male subjects attributed the aggression of other females to the internal character.In order to test the hypothesis,56 college students from Sichuan Normal University participated in the experiment.Twenty college students(11 males and 14 females)were attributed to the assessment of the fighting behavior between the two men.Thirty-one college students(15 boys,16 girls)participated in the assessment of the fighting behavior between the two women.This study adopted 2(gender:male and female)x 2(genders of fighters: male and male,female and female)x 2(attribution types: situational attribution,attribution of character).The subjects were evaluated for two different attribution types Experimental results show that male subjects believe that other males' physical aggression is forced by the situation,rather than due to the inherent characteristics of the attacker,the difference of the female subjects in this regard is not obvious,indicating that it if part of male's cultural script for defending or restoring precariousmanhood through aggression.
Keywords/Search Tags:precarious manhood, physical aggression, Gender roles, Gender stereotypes
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