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Exploration Of Folkway Part In Anecdotes Of Chinese History And Sensitive Questions In International Chinese Language Education

Posted on:2018-10-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515975449Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Kuwabara Jistuzo is a scholar on Chinese History in Japan.Anecdotes of Chinese History is his masterpiece in the study of Chinese culture.The folkway part of this book consists of three short essays,namely History of Chinese Queue,Chinese cannibalism and Chinese Eunuch.These essays cause widespread controversy by digging out the negative elements of Chinese culture,satirizing Chinese people,belittling the image of the Chinese people.Because of the image of the mulberry in the study of Chinese History in Japan,this book has a far-reaching impact,so far,to the Sino-Japanese cultural exchange to leave the shadow is difficult to erase.Many Japanese students who are learning Chinese are very likely to put forward some sensitive questions about Chinese culture and Chinese people.It is undeniable that the splendid Chinese culture has its dark side,as an international Chinese teacher,in the process of cultural teaching,how to respond to such a sensitive issue is quite important.In this paper,the author points out the historical and cultural factors,and comments on Kuwabara's relevant judgments,and gives the corresponding solutions from the aspects of the spot and the lesson design.The first part is the introduction.At first,we will discuss the background of the topic of this paper,and then summarizes the current research and study on the sensitive issues of Anecdotes of Chinese History and the international Chinese education,and finally explains the research significance and research of this paper method.The second part is the main part of the thesis,which is divided into three chapters.The second chapter discusses the sensitive issues that students may propose in the study of the students,and puts forward the countermeasures and coping skills.The second chapter discusses the possible problems of the students;The third chapter is for some of the sensitive issues discussed in this paper to do lesson design.The third part is the conclusion,mainly to sort out the paper,and put forward the Chinese international teachers need to pay attention to the sensitive problems encountered in teaching,enhance self-reserve knowledge,flexible response to better spread the Chinese culture and promote the development of Chinese international education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anecdotes of Chinese History, Sensitive Questions, Chinese Folkway
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