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The Trauma Writing In Coetzee' Novels

Posted on:2018-11-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D N HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515971750Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since trauma has entered the field of psychology and literature,more and more writers have begun to interpret the world from a traumatic point of view.As a serious classical writer and won the Nobel prize for literature Coetzee,using his unique personal perspective on South Africa and the colonial history and apartheid history of trauma reconstruction.Under his brush,the blacks,whites,colored people,ruling classes and ruling classes of South Africa struggled and wounded in the wounds of history and reality.Coetzee's trauma is not just the other trauma,but also through unique personal experiences to show self trauma.In addition to individual trauma,to a deeper level of collective trauma described,through a profound description of individual and collective trauma,the trauma of human thinking is how to cause trauma,and whether it can be cured? It can be said that the theme of trauma always exists in Coetzee's works,and his greatest value lies in the trauma writing instructions to cure trauma.It can be said that Coetzee's trauma writing has its own characteristics.From the perspective of Coetzee's works,to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the trauma writing.The first chapter discusses the connotation and literary embodiment of trauma;the second chapter relates to the trauma writing in Coetzee's works,looking for individual and collective trauma in Coetzee's depiction of the trauma from the works;the third chapter mainly discusses the reason of Coetzee's trauma writing,history of South Africa as he provided a wealth of writing material,his wandering experience makes him not only in South Africa;the fourth chapter from Coetzee's texts,find the value and significance of Coetzee's writing trauma.In short,Coetzee by writing to express his wounds deep reflection on life and destiny,history and reality,thus his works highlight the different value,so that the trauma writing is of great significance to study his works.
Keywords/Search Tags:J.M.Coetzee, Trauma writing, Value
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