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Yantai Watercolor Painting Research

Posted on:2018-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515970425Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Watercolor painting from the West into China has experienced a hundred years of vicissitudes,because it is imported from the West,the introduction of China's watercolor by Western realism,the Chinese watercolor artists at the same time also retain the traditional Chinese painting art The essence of Chinese watercolor to maintain the local cultural value,forming a unique artistic style.With the continuous communication and development of watercolor painting in China,the concept of watercolor style with Chinese characteristics came into being and showed prosperity and development.Yantai is located in the state of Qilu,deep cultural background,Yantai watercolor painting is an important part of the development of Chinese watercolor painting,with a distinct regional style,followed by the growth of Chinese watercolor and grow,forming a rich regional characteristics of the form and concept.As early as the early 1930 s,Yantai West painting pioneer Zhang Siwei began to learn Western painting,copy watercolor album,which represents the bud of Yantai watercolor.At this time Yantai artists began to learn Western watercolor techniques,and gradually formed a rich regional characteristics of the painting style,which began Yantai several generations of watercolor painter's exploration of the road.Yantai watercolor has experienced a buddy,development,prosperity,expansion and diversification of several historical periods,has formed a unique regional style.The representation of regional differences in painting is an indispensable part of the performance of Chinese contemporary watercolor language.The choice of painting content and subject matter and the use of color reflect the influence of regional characteristics on the painter.Therefore,under the background of the new era,Strengthening the study of regional watercolor painting has become a very valuable subject.In this paper,Yantai watercolor painting as a clue to the horizontal extension of the time axis for the longitudinal description of the historical development of the context of the summary of combing Yantai watercolor,conducted in-depth analysis.The paper mainly consists of six parts,the first part,summarizes the Yantai watercolor painting,analyzes the basic form,creative features and spiritual connotation of Yantai watercolor,and summarizes its development thread in a general way.The second partelaborates the early budding of Yantai watercolor painting,and explores the development background of Yantai watercolor painting under the influence of geography,culture and environment.The third part discusses the prosperity period of Yantai watercolor painting,and studies the reason and the appearance of watercolor painting.The fourth part elaborates the development period of Yantai watercolor painting,and explores the changing characteristics of watercolor painting at this time.The fifth part discusses the diversification of Yantai watercolor painting in the new period and explores the current situation and future prospect of Yantai watercolor painting.Through this study,the historical development of Yantai watercolor is sorted out to explore the overall appearance of Yantai local watercolor painting.It shows the life and creation of Yantai local watercolor artist,and displays and promotes the watercolor with long history in Yantai area.Art,showing a more systematic Yantai watercolor theory research,promote the prosperity and development of Yantai watercolor.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yantai, watercolor, shape, diversification
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