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The Practice Of Ancient Dance Is Explored In Practice Inthe Tang Music And Dance,the Kundance,the Liyuan Dancefor Example

Posted on:2018-12-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S M BaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515494162Subject:School of music and dance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the exploration of the ancient dance recurring practice as the starting point,in the form of several ancient dance repetition as the breakthrough point,by relying on artist case study,try to develop the modern dance appearance of emerging in different ancient form of dance emersion transverse catalogued,and comparative analysis,and from the Angle of the Angle of the culture,art,aesthetic perspective,the perspective of history and so on several aspects,repetition of ancient dance practice exploration study on the roots of three types.From the existing form of repetition,through the analysis of the ways of the practice exploration and the art way of heritage and development,to trace back the root of its cultural roots,art,get the ancient dance today emersion practice to explore the cultural connotation is supported,artistic connotation,conclude the ancient dance retrieval practice exploration in the whole course of the development of dance art and the reshaping of the look back on the aesthetic,cultural,artistic value and historical significance of traditional protection.
Keywords/Search Tags:The ancient dance, Repetition, Tang music and dance, Kun dance, Liyuan dance
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