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A Contrastive Study Of Grammatical Cohesive Devices In The Chinese And English Versions Of Chunqiu

Posted on:2018-06-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515490269Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Among the num erous cohesion theories,Hallidy and h is wife's d iscourse cohesion theory is the most well-k nown one to the acad emic circle.In 1976,th ey divided cohesion into two categories in their m asterpiece,Cohesion in English.The first category is the grammatical cohesion,including four sub-categories,reference,substitution,ellipsis and conjunction,of which the f ormer three are the focus of the thesis;the second one is lexical cohesion,including tw o sub categories: lexical repetition and lexical collocation.Many scholars have made great contributions to the development of cohesion theory and Hu Z huanglin's research is the one of m ost influential researches.Hu Zhuanglin ela borates his views on the cohesion of the Chinese language in detail in Textual Cohesion and Coherence,which is also the main theoretical source of the thesis.As one of the Confucian classics,Chun Qiu embodies a lot of jurisprudential language so that there is a phenome non “adjudicating suit in line with ChunQiu” which affects the ancient judicial practice greatly.In this thesis a contrastive study has been conducted between the source te xt and two English versions of ChunQiu from the perspective of gra mmatical cohesion with a quantitative approach.The study shows that in reference,the common point between the source tex t and the English versions is that reference is the m ost commonly-used grammatical cohesive devices.At the point of dif ference,due to the phenomenon called zero-anaphora,the source text often omit the personal reference,which leads to the fact that the number of the personal reference is much higher in the English text.In term s of substitu tion,the source texts adopt certain words as substitute word,while the substitute word in the English versions is relatively fixed.As for ellipsis,as long as the reader can understand the meaning of the text,then any omission is feasible in the source texts.However,in the English versions,there are certain rules of syntax and sem antics for the adoption of ellips is.Then,the reasons of these sim ilarities and dif ferences are analyzed.It also offers some suggestions of realizing the grammatical cohesion in the process of English translation of the jurisprudential classics.
Keywords/Search Tags:jurisprudential language, Chun Qiu, contrastive study, grammatical cohesion, translation
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