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The "Hong Kong Writing" Of The Leung Ping-Kwan's Novels In The Postcolonial Horizon

Posted on:2018-04-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515479124Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Leung Ping-Kwan is a well-known scholar-type writer in Hong Kong.His writings include novels,poems,proses,etc.The poet's sensitive antennae endow his writings with inspiration and smart poetic language.His erudite and thoughtful spirit endow his words with unhurried and liberal aesthetic features.As a twice "Hong Kong Chinese Literature Biennial Literature Prize" winner,his creations have recorded and presented the life of Hong Kong people and the historical changes of Hong Kong city,and it has enriched the reader's reading experience and cultural perception.His creation of novels just like its pen name,"Ye","Si",with two meaningless function words endow readers with unlimited cultural imagination;Or to inherited his father's name "Si" which shows the resemblance cultural attitude that inheritance is as important as development.Therefore,in the analysis of creative features of the novels,sticking to bilateral opposite structure will only fall into the dilemma of contradictory and loopholes,thus the content of the text should be sorted out in the mode of well-balanced tension and relaxation so that to match the not "Broken" and not “Legislation" of the cultural discourse space.His scholar identity gives Leung Ping-Kwan a wide and deep thought about cross-arts,cross-cultural and cross-border learning,and it endows his novels with an inclusive and creative feature.Therefore,in Ping-Kwan Leung's novel,the multicultural thinking and the coexistence of eastern and western writing of Hong Kong is undoubtedly providing sufficient space for postcolonial criticism.This article attempts to investigate Leung Ping-Kwan's writings based on postcolonial discourse theories such as: “The Other”,“Cultural Geography” and “The Third Space”,and tries to deconstruct the narrative techniques and context of texts under the postcolonial horizon,and also tries to reflect the variety of Hong Kong culture from postcolonial cultural perspective.In the introduction of this paper,the life and the novels creation experience of Leung Ping-Kwan will be sorted out,and a brief introduction to the research methods and ideas of this paper will be illustrated.In the first chapter,the specific writing about "The Other " in Leung Ping-Kwan's novel will be dissected under the postcolonial horizon.It mainly emphasizes his devotion in interactions between Chinese and Western culture,his inclusive cultural position and his changeable narrative methods.In second chapter,the author deconstructs the inside and outside space of the urban city in his novel.He symbolizes the urban culture,diluting the "Edge" and "Center" to construct the cultural and geographical map based on the architecture,opera,media,color and food so as to interpret Ping-Kwan Leung 's postcolonial cultural reflection.In chapter three,the author undertakes the constructed postcolonial cultural reflection in above two chapter and then combine with Homi K.Bhabha 's "The Third Space" theory extending the research perspective to the global Chinese literature,and tries to think about the art of creative consciousness under the cultural space migration and the literacy we shall have as an intellectual.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ping-Kwan Leung's novels, Postcolonial, Hong Kong writing, The Other, Cultural reflection
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