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The Study On Poulantzas's Ideology Hegemony Theory

Posted on:2018-12-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515472417Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Poulantzas thinks countries play a positive role in the class struggle,which involves how to obtain the corresponding national advantage in this position in this problem is his theory in the research process,on the one hand,we have to mention the ideological hegemony of Poulantzas.In the first national Poulantzas here with the ruling class does not have a direct economic interest relationship,it is often hidden to represent the political interests of the ruling class.The special relationship between the capitalist countries and the ruling class is reflected in the ideology.Only by grasping the hegemony of the key sectors,can play a role to cover up the real contradictions,in the field of false to other classes or factions to false.Poulantzas is the national theory of ideological hegemony to fill Marx's political philosophy,it is this theory that he in the construction and development of Marx's political philosophy theory has someformidable status.In this paper,in the perspective of political philosophy,around this theory,along the main line of Poulantzas ideological heritage and development thought.These include the creative absorption of Antonio·Gramsci's ideology of ideological hegemony and the multiple determinism of Louis·Pierre·Althusser.Then describe how Poulantzas Chase proposed by the breakthrough on the basis of the national politics,economy,ideology,class struggle and relationship with the perspective of structuralism the class ideology determines the thought,and then elaborates the ideological theory of Poulantzas.This paper is intended to explore Poulantzas ideological theory,combined with the idea of Poulantzas state theory and hegemony.By analyzing the complicated reality of globalization at home and abroad to China's current challenges faced,with plains ideology theory proposed social context,from ideology,state theory,hegemony theory and economic,political and ideological level of the theory of contemporary significance.In order to find out the theory in different extent of our current urgent and thorny strategy of socialist cultural power of socialist mainstream ideology identity,and the impact of foreign culture and other issues have important effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:State, Class, Ideology, Hegemony
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