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Research On The Norm Of Foucault

Posted on:2018-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X LiFull Text:PDF
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The unfolding of the research on the Norm of Foucault is due to the connections between the Norm and Authority.The foothold is moving away from the boundary of the Norm.That is for exceeding the Norm and reaching the self-construction about the Subject of ethics rather than resting in the Subject of knowledge or the Subject of authority.Foucault was the representative thinker of the Postmodernism.Therefore,it's based on the Postmodernism background to understand Foucault' thoughts.The background just means clearing up or negating the System philosophy of the Western tradition by criticizing the basic concepts from Descartes to The Enlightenment.To discuss the Norm of Foucault,it's necessary to know very well about the base point in his thoughts' framework: Authority.After analyzing the characteristics of Foucault's concept about Authority,we can know the Authority includes Dominant Authority and Recessive Authority,while Foucault especially had been interested in Recessive Authority.Foucault thought the Authority was a relationship,just like dense network and everything revolved around the Authority.The dense network of Authority existed in daily life as the blood capillary.Foucault thought Norm was the reason for the Operating mechanism of Authority to come true.And the Norm also was the carrier for Authority.The Norm of Foucault derived from Conguilhem,Foucault had discussed some characteristics about Norm in The Abnormal.Based on the cognitions about Authority and Norm,this text makes the Norm which had done works boiling down to three dimensionalities: Rationality,Morality,Discourse.The three elements also were the objects that Foucault criticized to.Which had involved in Madness and Civilization,The Order of Things,Discipline and Punish,The Order of Discourse,The History of Sexuality,The Birth of the Clinic.Based on these works,we can know that due to the suppressing of Rationality,Rationality and Non-rationality cannot dialogue and communication;due to the intervening of Morality,the punishment for Body has changed to the punishment for Spirit;and the Discourse has an impaction and incitement function.This text cuts out some typical fragments which come from Foucault's works to analyzing the reasons how the Norm enters to the daily life with the Rationality,Morality and Discourse.Foucault not rest on describing the Norm and Authority,the foremost purpose was walk out the boundary of Norm.It referred to the revolt of Authority.It's truly that Authority has the sovereign status in Foucault's works.While Foucault also thought that “where have the Authority,there have the revolt”.So,we can see that Self-regarding means significant.Self-regarding was the subject matter which Foucault had pay close attention to in his later period.Self-regarding also can be known as the Self-construction of the Subject of Ethics with the way of “Technologies of the self”.It also was the Ethical Concern in the Norm of Foucault.Self-regarding was a positive and constructive way to emphasizing the relationship between the oneself and other after breaking up all traditional ideology and value by Postmodernism.The Postmodern Philosophers had overcome many defects of the traditional Western philosophy,while the Postmodern philosophy also exist many problems.Just liking most Postmodern philosophers,Foucault cannot avoid it too.When the Postmodernism had clear up all Order and Norm,where are the community going to;The Nihility Feeling would appear when shaking off the constraint of the Metaphysics.All these problems were the challenges for the theory of the Norm of Foucault.Even thought,we cannot overlook the constructive of Foucault's thoughts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Norm, the Subject of Ethics, Authority, Technologies of the self, Postmodernism
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