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The Study Of Li Xiaodai's Academic Thoughts

Posted on:2018-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515463285Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Li Xiaodan was a famous scholar and educator in the period of the Republic of China.He once studied in Japan,after returning to China,worked as a secretary of Liang Qichao who was the Attorney General at that time.However,he dropped politics for a new career as a teacher in his hometown,Hunan province.He did really good in summing up the great works and achievements of Hunan's predecessors and sages,which made great contribution to the cultural development of Hunan and also influenced a lot of scholars there.Meanwhile,Li Xiaodan's reflection and criticism of academic culture since the building of the Republic of China have offered a window for that we can research more aspects of culture in that period.However,Li Xiaodan's academic thought has not been payed much attention by academic circles,there is little research on him,even without a thesis.This paper tries to study the academic thought of Li Xiaodan and serves as a modest spur to arouse more attentions to him.This paper is mainly from the the research on Hunan academics and study of Confucian classics to analyze Li Xiaodan's academic thought.The whole paper is divided into four chapters: the first chapter introduces the origin of Li Xiaodan's academic thought and his biography.Firstly,it introduces the changes of the academic culture of Hunan during the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China,so that we can understand the origin of Li Xiaodan's thought.The introduction of his seven teachers who deeply influenced his thought,especially the influence of Pi Lumen,a master of the Confucian classics,are emphasized in the first chapter.Li Xiaodan's works are mainly expounded on the Hunan academics and the Confucian classics.The second chapter mainly discusses his research and achievements of Hunan academics.He took great efforts to explore and commend the achievements made by scholars in Hunan and,in particular,regained the status of scholars who made great influence on Hunan academics but were forgotten by academic circles.He Summarized the characteristics of Hunan academics,schematically analyzed the development process of Hunan academics from Song Dynasty to Qing Dynasty,which shows a development lineament of Hunan academics for us and made a significant contribution to the prosperity of Hunan academics.The third chapter mainly discusses Li Xiaodan's view to Confucian classics.Although Li Xiaodan's achievements in the study of Confucian classics are not outstanding,his contribution is mainly reflected in the introspection and recognition of the Chinese classics in Hunan Province in order to preserve the traditional Confucian classics and try to restore the ethos of Hunan.The fourth chapter focuses on analyzing the influence of Li Xiaodan's academic thought,which includes his influences on Hunan academics,classics,education etc.This chapter also investigates his reflection and contributions to Hunan,and his status and role of Hunan culture.The conclusion part is a summary for the whole paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Xiaodan, Academic thought, Hunan academy, Study of Confucian
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