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Research On Yunli's Poems

Posted on:2018-10-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C NieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330512499225Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the key member of Kangxi,Yongzheng and Qianlong dynasties,Yunli actively encouraged members of the royal clan to communicate with literary men of Han nationality and promoted the development of Man-Han cultural integration.In his early years,Yunli stood aloof from the worldly affairs and was wrapped up in natural scenery and poetry.He learned poetry form Shen Deqian,whose Tang style theory impacted him a lot,and made him have no interest in fighting for throne.During the regnum of Yongzheng,he was assigned to local area and went sightseeing of great rivers and mountains.In this period,the themes of his poetry were rich,both eulogized the emperor and described the natural scenery.Yunli's poetry is not only in large quantities but also rich in content.As an important member of the Qing imperial clan,his works belongs to the best poetry among the imperial clan members,which has great impact in present and the future generations.Present domestic research in Yunli's poetry is still in the blank state.Based on literature study and sorting out the relevant literature information,this thesis will study Yuli as well as his poetry from the following aspects:First,introducing the life of Yunli.Second,introducing the theme and the content of Yunli's poetry.Third,analyzing the artistic characteristics of the poetry.Fourth,discussing the artistic accomplishments and the influence of Yunli's poetry.As an important member of the Qing imperial clan,Yunli's artistic accomplishments were recognized by the poets from the Eight ensigns of Qing Dynasty.The poet's life principle of indifference to fame and wealth,is not only fully expressed in his works,but also has a profound impact on further generations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yunli, The poets of imperial clan, Poem
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