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Research On The Chinese Contemporary Avant-garde Novelist Essays

Posted on:2018-07-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330512499222Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Pioneer essays as an avant garde novelist sideline,although not the creation of the main industry,has opened up a special essay world,compose a pioneer spirit world spiritual autobiography,outside the spirit first,self pride in pioneer novel rays;proudly independent,little-known submerged in contemporary prose large family of cacophony.Pioneer essay not only the content is broad and profound,both novelists profound connotation of literature and accommodate the vision of avant-garde novelists extensive reading resources,these become the key to the vanguard novel,a shortcut to the vanguard novels of the world;and has unique stylistic value,from the style,this essay belongs to this essay pioneer a style,a category of prose,has its own unique style and aesthetic characteristics,so it has important value and significance in the style of prose in the family.Pioneer literature is one of the most glorious memories in Chinese contemporary literary circles.The last century in the late 90 s,in the vanguard novels and the avant-garde literature creation tendency tend to fall and shrink when some novelists retreat edge,to the self,the return of their spirit to uphold the old essay writing,as in the past pioneer attitude wrote a large number of art,revisit the classic recollection memory,experience,and talk about literature the soul of the world essays.In this paper,Ma Yuan,Yu Hua,Su Tong,Ge Fei and other novelists essays as the research object,the author through the text of the essay novelists,perspective avant-garde novelists of the spirit world spiritual autobiography,pioneer of essays in literary view and deep thinking as an extensive view of reading resources,and then from the perspective of literary essays the absolute freedom of inquiry,pioneer essay artistic charm and unique style,value and significance.This paper is divided into five parts:Introduction: including the definition of the concept of avant-garde novelists essays and essays,research status and research methods of this thesis,the characteristics and value significance.The first part: the formation and development of the avant-garde writers essay,published in novels and novelists or later,by the magazine editor's invitation,and wrote some of his novels criticism;later by publishing planning requirements,published by this opportunity to showcase the essays of avant-garde novelists,avant-garde novelists the essays such as like bamboo shoots after a spring rain in the New Century Publishing collective appearance.The second part: Essays,a perspective window of the soul in the world.The essay is the soul of the world pioneer pioneer spiritual autobiography,which implies the stylistic preference vanguard writers spiritual growth history,the history of mentality,vanguard and vanguard creation subject,and avant-garde writers moral personality,different kind of different creative subject shows the unique spiritual world.The third part: through the broad and profound content pioneer essays,essays in the inquiry revealed the vanguard novelists profound connotation of literature,and the interaction between reading resources and broad vision of creation,and thus more easily opened the vanguard novel world..Think about literature problem highlights the vanguard novelists essay,profound thinking,is philosophical.At the same time,the pioneer writers read widely,a reading list of writers.The fourth part: summarize the stylistic features of summary essays smart pioneer novelists,pure aesthetic pursuit of freedom.Distinctive novelists not only in the vanguard novel on the road of reform and innovation to make snap,essay writing they still showed very self personality style,the essay has formed the unique style and aesthetic qualities,is the author's personality,is smart with the art show.The fifth part: Reflections on the significance of enhancing the value of pioneer essays style,avant-garde essays have stylistic value,unique on the one hand,it consciously inherited the literary tradition of modern essays,on the other hand,it consciously with the practice of Chinese contemporary essay style and purification,as a large family of prose style,rich state,correct the return to the original style of contemporary prose aesthetic character.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pioneer novelists, Pioneer essay, Text content, Stylistic Features
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