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Research On Reservists' Association Of Japan During The War Of Aggression Against China

Posted on:2018-12-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330512499003Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Japan in the township military will be the first to date back to the early years of the Meiji.After the end of the Russo-Japanese War,almost all of Japan has set up in the township military organization.In order to better manage the ranks of veterans,to reduce social unrest,under the auspices of Tanaka Yiyi,in 1910 organized around the "army in the township" set up in the township soldiers will.After the establishment of the township soldiers,their organization is increasingly strengthened.In order to meet the needs of social development,the definition of township soldiers in the ever-expanding,in the township will also increase the size of the military.At the same time,the management of subordinate organizations for subordinate organizations has also been strengthened.With the continuous development of organizational work,the organizational structure of the township soldiers will continue to refine.After the September 18 th Incident,the township soldiers will increasingly play an important role in their organization.In the township soldiers will be in Japan to create public opinion,encourage people to donate aircraft and weapons and other military supplies.In order to meet the needs of the army,the township soldiers will also carry out national defense thinking popularization campaign,in various ways to promote national defense thinking.At the same time,the township soldiers will also participate in the training of young people among the work,and in the future establishment of youth training which served as faculty.In the country soldiers will gradually turn to the fascist,in the national flag of the campaign,the township soldiers will attack the United States and the United States and the Ministry of Emperor Kyrgyzstan,said the idea,and in Japan to create public opinion,to put pressure on the government.After the 266 incident,in the township soldiers will be the headquarters of the military hall to become the suppression of the martial law headquarters,at the core position.As a result of the small number of military officers involved in the 266 incident,the army to further strengthen the control of the military in the township,in the form of royal orders "in the township soldiers will make" so that the township soldiers will become a royal group.After the outbreak of the war between China and Japan,a large number of troops in the township were summoned to the Chinese battlefield to implement aggression.By 1945 Japan defeated the surrender,in the township military will also announced the dissolution of its organization's activities also stop.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reservists' Associations, Japanese aggressive war against China, The war mobilization system
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