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Nabi Art?Spirit And My Paintings

Posted on:2018-04-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M HuangFull Text:PDF
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This paper discusses the influence of Napier art on my creation by combining the relevant theoretical knowledge of Nabi.From the analysis of the shape and form of the Napian painting language,from the analysis of the combination of content and form,the analysis of the factors of modeling and expression,in the analysis of graphics and style,and from the modern consciousness and symbolic spirit in the concept and works,The decorative painting and other aspects of the analysis,the Napolian painting form language comprehensive analysis and understanding,get enough nourishment,to complete their own painting to learn,Through the practice of exploration,the author uses the comparative research method to summarize the method and the law of the painting by the Nabi painting,and at the same time to reflect on the expression of the humanistic spirit in the form of the painting form language,the artistic expression technique and the painting.And thinking,and for a comprehensive study,so as to achieve the purpose of painting art.The author's creation from the surface of the work and Napier painting between the content and emotional expression is different,but the link there are many forms and spirit of the same pursuit.We are not merely learning the surface visual effects of Nabi factions,but rather from the meticulous research on the spiritual concepts and inner associations of the painting form language and the Nabi painting.But also a summary of their own creative experience,by studying the concept of painting master is to form their own painting concept essential learning process.
Keywords/Search Tags:Napoli, painting language, form
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