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A Study On Louis Brandeis' Labor Thought And Practices

Posted on:2018-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z W GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330512484272Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Louis Brandeis,who had ever served as a lawyer and a justice of the Supreme Court,was a distinguished legal worker in the United States in the first half of the 20th century.From the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century,the basic rights of American labor groups were hard to be guaranteed and labor disputes became more and more intense.In response to these issues,Brandeis put forward his own labor thought.First,Brandeis advocated the protection of the basic rights of American labors.He called for improving working condition and treatment of Amer:ican labors and advocated for providing them with an extensive social security system.Then,Brandeis advocated the establishment of new industrial relations in the United States.At that time,as an increasingly tense industrial relations growing in the United States,Brandeis chose to stand on the labor side.He urged the incorporation of trade unions and put forward some constructive suggestions for improving industrial relations in the United States.Meanwhile,Brandeis' supporting for American labor groups was limited,he disagreed with labors who adopted unlawful actions for achieving their purposes,and he would not make concessions on constitutional principles for the benefits of labors.In his legal career,Brandeis had continued to practice his labor thought.As a lawyer,Brandeis defended the Oregon labor legislation through a unique means of defending.During the period of serving as a justice of the Supreme Court,Brandeis repeatedly voted for labor legislations and safeguarded the interests of labors in cases of industrial conflicts.Initially,Brandeis suffered considerable resistances to his practice of labor thought.However,with the gradual strengthening of American government's intervention in socio-economy,many of Brandeis' claims on labor issue had gradually become realities.Brandeis' labor thought had very deep origins.To a certain extent,Brandeis'labor thought was born by a historical background.Experiences in personal development and working exerted some direct influences on the formation of Brandeis' labor thought.Moreover,sociological jurisprudence also had important impacts on Brandeis' labor thought and practices.To a certain extent,Brandeis' labor thought and practices met the actual requirements of American labor groups at that time,while it also reflected the development of reformist and the rising of liberal judicial philosophy.However,Brandeis' labor thought had its own limitation.It was not perfect.Besides,Brandeis'personal efforts were limited after all,which could not completely solve the labor issue in the United States.
Keywords/Search Tags:Louis Brandeis, Labor issue, Labor thought, Practices
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