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The Reference And Application Of "Yu" Opera Singing In The Song Of <A Happy Life Is Only Possible When Backed Up By A Formidable Motherland>

Posted on:2017-12-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P Y ShenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the sixties and seventies of 20th century in China,the composer created a large number of operas,<A happy life is only possible when backed up by a formidable motherland>is the use of the most representative of a song.In this paper,from the historical development of the hometown local opera,Henan opera,local genre and singing characteristics in three aspects of almost the,on how to draw lessons from the opera singing in the concert<A happy life is only possible when backed up by a formidable motherland>for specific analysis,and combined with this song of the concert experience,to study learn opera singing at the same time,can correctly grasp the singing characteristics,and can be flexibly applied to vocal music.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Yu" opera singing, <, A happy life is only possible when backed up by a formidable motherland>, , reference, application
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