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The Analysis Ofartistic Featuresandemotional Processing Of Opera Aria "Se Il Mio Nome"

Posted on:2017-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rossini as Italy's most representative of the composer.In the history of opera is remarkable reputation,in him for more than seventy years of life course to create many admirable opera works,still many singer as a classical deduction.Rossini's Opera genre to comic opera,such as the famous Italian girl in Algiers,Sevilla barber,Cray Tang Di and Wiliam tell and so on.These classic opera success convex show Rossini music retains Italian music noble and elegant style,while also filled with the unique style of romantic breath of freedom.The 1 In ninth Century,the development ofAria Se il mio nome is Rossini famous operaIl Barbiere di Siviglia head count to express love Rosina sang very representative of the aria,is also a lot of lyric tenor concert preferred works.The melody is gentle,beautiful,but when in concert cannot blindly pursue for the vocal method and ignore the composer gives the works of true feelings and profound connotation,more accurately grasp singing style.This is also the reason why I choose the aria transferred to the analysis of the significance of the study lies.This paper from the four chapters on the aria Se il mio nomedrift are analyzed and explored:The first chapter is an overview of Rossini and his operaIl Barbiere di Siviglia;The second chapter analyzes the aria Se il mio nomeof artartistic feature;The third chapter is the analysis of emotional processing Arias Se il mio nome;The fourth chapter singing the aria Se il mio nomepersonal feelings.SingingSe il mio nome in the deep understanding and interpretation of Rossini opera beautiful melody more than,more important is to repeatedly singing,listening,experience to the art of personal feelings and music combined with,only two full contact together,can complement each other.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rossini, Se il mio nome, artistic characteristic, emotion processing
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