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A Study Of The Interrogative Sentence In Shanxi Ruicheng Dialect

Posted on:2017-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330512451225Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The research on interrogative sentence of Chinese dialect has become a hotspot within academia,and achieved rich research results.However,the research on Ruicheng dialect interrogative sentence is still in blank,and even its special "Xma(?)Y" sentence pattern has not attracted enough attention as well.This paper regards Ruicheng dialect as the research object and takes advantage of the research methods and results for Mandarin Chinese and other dialects to conduct a comprehensive and systemic description of it.Based on the above as well as the existing research results,comparison is made between "Xma(?)Y" in Ruicheng dialect and similar sentence patterns in Shanxi dialects and Northwestern dialects,with a view to introduce and define "Xma(?)Y" pattern.This paper is divided into five chapters as follows:Chapter one is introduction.This part mainly introduces the overviews of humanity,geography and dialect of Ruicheng County,research status of relevant issues as well as research objectives,significance and methods.And based on existing research results,categorization is conducted of Ruicheng dialect interrogative sentences.Chapter two examines neutral interrogative sentences in Ruicheng dialect.Without prognosis upon questioned issue,neutral interrogative sentence includes three types,namely yes-no question,alternative question and Wh-question.In this thesis these three types are described from the aspects of structure,modal particle and answer,and the "X ma(?)Y"alternative question is analyzed as focus.Chapter three looks into non-neutral interrogative sentences in Ruicheng dialect.Non-neutral interrogative sentences have tendentious speculation upon questioned issue based on whether listeners' verification is needed or not,which can be divided into non-verification interrogative sentence and verification interrogative sentence.This chapter firstly describes the structure and interrogation means of them as well as their subtypes,and then ranks them according to the degree of interrogation.Chapter four compares "Xma(?)Y" sentence pattern in Ruicheng dialect with alternative question in Shanxi dialects in terms of modal particle,structure and function,so as to illustrate their relationship.In addition,"X ma(?)Y" and "Xia/a(?/?)Y" patterns are compared,and they have the same function but different in terms of other aspects like pronunciation.Chapter five compares the "X ma(?)Y" interrogative sentence in Ruicheng dialect and that in Northwestern dialects.They have the same nature,but due to limitation of information,this paper only examines a few issues involved with characteristics.Besides,their commonalities and differences are introduced so as to lay a solid foundation for future in-depth researches.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shanxi dialects, Ruicheng dialect, Interrogative sentence, "Xma(?)Y" sentence pattern
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