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Imperial Academicians And The Politics In Huizong Period

Posted on:2017-07-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z PeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330503990455Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The imperial academicians system in Beisong dynasty inherited previous system and continuously developed and perfect. Of the time it was affected by the political environment and has a great effect on government working. The imperial academicians system in Huizong period studied the system after the Yuanfeng reform on bureaucracy in Shenzong period and made some progress. This system played an important role during the period. The academicians has a close relationship with the emperor and slaughter of board because its special status. On the one hand, the imperial academicians would be trusted by the emperor at first as the emperor's confidant. on the other hand, the relationship between the imperial academicians and the emperor would be worse and worse after they became members of bureaucracy.on the contrary, the imperial academicians and the prime minister would have a close relationship. So if we want to make a good research on the relationship between the emperor and the prime minister, we should have a good understanding of the imperial academicians system.This paper is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. In the first part, I will conduct a comprehensive and systematic study on this theme in the academic circles and I will point out the significance of this study particularly. The text is divided into three chapters, in the first chapters I will illustrate the Beisong dynasty academician bachelor's system and after yuanfeng stypped-down, and then introduced the imperial academicians in Huizong period, as well as YuBi and the atmosphere influence on imperial academicians. The second chapter analyzes the relationship between imperial academicians and the emperor and the Power of phase.officers by making the emperor, concubines and eunuchs became imperial academicians, and then become prime minister. Some of them become prime minister by attachment prime minister. The third chapter analyzes the imperial academicians in the relationship of right of imperial power and phase. Through the analysis of the relationship between Huizong and Caijing, we know that the imperial was very powerful while the power of a prime minister was very weak in fact, which has long been considered very powerful in Huizong period. because the power of prime minister was actually depend on imperial power. At the last,I will summarize the full text and then point out the embarrassing situation that the imperial academicians must be faced to: attachment to the imperial power or collaborate with the ruling forces.
Keywords/Search Tags:Imperial academicians, Huizong period, Imperial power, Prime Minister's power
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