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Multidimensional Perspective Modern Western Philosophical Perspective Morality

Posted on:2017-09-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330503467958Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Morality is a social consciousness, is that people in the social practice slowly formed, is adjusted between the individual members of society and the social and behavioral norms in general. Moral often by people's social atmosphere to influence the education and awareness of the norms of the ruling class in order to achieve a better rule carried formed, can make society work better. In layman's terms, it is a consensus in the hearts of individual members of the community formed, is not a social norm mandatory execution. Morality is the society members themselves recognized and formed their own moral values, different individuals cognitive and their environment, thus forming a different morality, with richness. Throughout human history, people in production and living, forming a rich moral values, has an important influence on the development of society.With the rapid growth of the popularity of talent, the rapid development of network information and related communication carriers, the occurrence of various events is quickly moral concerns, such as melamine-tainted milk powder incident, the campus entrance harm innocent student incidents, violent bank door Robbers, which led to the tragic events hopeful, money worship and corruption issues such things happen, sparked a lively discussion of ethical issues and deep reflection, in the end is a personal moral landslide or society as a whole moral regress. In modern Western history, because of different political, economic, culture and customs, etc., resulting in a lot of different moral values, with the advance of the historical process, different morality are constantly merging and continuous to improve, different moral outlook on the later more or less had some impact, some impact on future generations and even morality is huge, so multi-dimensional ethics inquiry for us both theoretical significance, but also practical significance.Through the Modern Western Philosophy and Ethics Perspective to explore, there is morality rationalism and irrationalism ethics morality two categories. Rationalism Moral includes five main paradigms, namely self-centered egoism moral paradigm; for most people the benefit of utilitarian moral paradigm; liberate a free humanity for the purpose of communist morality paradigm; demonstrate motivation on the good will of the moral paradigm and effects pragmatic moral Paradigm. Irrationalism ethics including two paradigms, that emotional and social habits based on moral paradigm; the will to power based on personal moral paradigm. By exploring the Modern Western Philosophy, as the moral domain different paradigms of our current production and life has far-reaching implications. First, actively explore the morality of humanity the foundation of efforts to improve the outdated moral values; secondly, learn different moral paradigm of rational factors, absorb nutrients we need to constantly improve our own moral system; and finally, to promote communism moral ideal to light sprinkling of darkness and continuously promote the common welfare of the current era of human. Thought by draw useful to constantly improve the socialist core values, in order to better guide the masses of moral practice, become the upgrading of civic and moral qualities, the inevitable road to build a harmonious society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rationalism, Non-Idealism, Ethics, Contemporary Enlightenment
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