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Man's Dance Tutorial Feasibility Study Analysed

Posted on:2017-07-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M D LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330491456582Subject:School of music and dance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Dunhuang grotto art is the human history and culture and the wonders of Chinese culture and treasures, the world-famous, dunhuang dance is indispensable precious part of dunhuang art. Since in the 70 s, as it comes to the dance with its unique charm and value, not only highly praised by the people of China and highly evaluation, and tour outside world, has a great international influence.For dance, dunhuang scholars generally is the consensus of opinion:dance is the domestic nationalities, the han nationality, all nationalities in the west, and Chinese and foreign countries -- China, India and central Asia countries blend to create the product of dance culture.Dunhuang dance is a set of unique aesthetic characteristics of dance vocabulary, it enriched the content of Chinese classical dance, formed a self-contained Chinese classical dance genre, the success of the dance "resurrection", so to speak, is contemporary Chinese dance is of great significance in the history of the historic event.Mr Ji once said:"our dance has two characteristics, one is good at absorbing, one is the innovation".The dance that we see today, however, it is the ancient dance art learning and absorbing, absorption and innovation model of fusion.Dance, is derived from the image of the original position in the mogao grottoes of dunhuang murals and painted sculpture after art of refined processed from the dynamic image of dancing.According to the literature, the mogao grottoes was founded in 336, after makes, northern wei, wei, their, sui, tang, five dynasties, song and xixia and yuan each generation of ten centuries constantly digging, murals content, such as politics, economy, culture, art are reflected, which contain the most abundant is dance, dance mainly include two types:tianle and worldly pleasures.Tianle is fairy god image, appeared in the buddhist world dance. Such as:the pure dance modelling of the ci-poetry music in JingBian bodhisattva, paradise of the ci-poetry music dancing posture, flying magical action, lux kong bold image, as well as a variety of colorful murals bodhisattva attitude and so on. Vulgar music is secular life images of the dance, such as:Buddha turns all kinds of dance scene in the story, reflects the history and the social life of late tang dynasty murals substantially Zhang Yichao travel figure, "Mrs Song kingdom travel map", "cao discuss Jin Tongjun figure", "the princess back to crane travel map" dance scene image.Tianle or vulgar music, dance is lifelike, unique, rich, and with national characteristics, is the priceless heritage of the Chinese ancient western dance style, it is our study to explore Chinese ancient western dance style characteristics, development of the image of the precious materials, is also inherited the prosperity of our country dance dance good tradition of our country, and the important source of art.Based on the dunhuang mogao grottoes murals and painted sculpture, women's dance art's image in the tutorial as the breakthrough point, through the understanding of the history of dunhuang mogao grottoes, the murals and painted sculpture artistic image in refining, mature woman dance tutorial system reference, formed to teaching men dance classroom training system.This article is divided into four chapters, the first is the introduction, introduced this article selected topic significance and the research purpose, research methods and research background and research status at home and abroad in this paper.The origin of the first chapter is a detailed explanation of the dance and dance male dance, in this section illustrate the meaning of dance and far-reaching influence on art and history, and explain what kind of way to form men dance training.In different periods of dunhuang mogao grottoes murals and painted sculpture in the image acquisition, different forms of the form has a certain style of the dunhuang dance male motion capture, analyses the mural painting in the dance image acquisition, forming part of the dance props to enrich dance teaching.Chapter 2 detailed man dance practice, through in the first chapter, in this section to highlight the content of the teaching process, examination for usability and practicability of the teaching action, in the teaching action of close scrutiny, to develop a suitable for male dance teaching style and posture, facial expression and breathing, let men dance training in dance not divorced from dunhuang established content, better play dance expression of male beauty.At men's dance teaching in the process of study, we will mature woman dance teaching system, contrast research, mining which can draw lessons from the beneficial teaching ideas and training of all content, to enrich man dance teaching research, for it's not reasonable to place also should be rational and can be in accordance with the different practices, from various aspects to enhance male dance teaching professional development.In this section, I will be in the form of pictures to demonstrate the accuracy of men's dance movement development, training and professional, through comparison and analysis to verify my research idea is correctFinally formed system materials such as breathing, combination of expression, gesture, posture, style, dance training, and training of props men.Third chapter from the development of men's dance art study, men dance tutorials whether must want to development, involved in the process of development of our culture, history, art and so on all is to improve our man power of teaching training system, dunhuang that continues to study, I will tentatively explore new thinking for the men dance teaching and development planning.Finally in the conclusion, I would do a general summary of this paper is proved according to the academic value and center thought, that I was thinking and implementation of the completion. Along with the paper reference books, literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:dance, dance teaching, development innovation, Athetic Training
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