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The Study On History Of Idea Of "Infant"

Posted on:2017-07-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D D ZhouFull Text:PDF
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The idea of “infant” is an significant concept in the history of the Chinese philosophy and aesthetics,Confucianism,Taoism and Zen has elaborated on it before.It includes not only the physiological level,but also psychological,cultural and philosophical connotation.Therefore,it is necessary to sort out it on the dimension of “history”,and to grasp the connotation of it in the synchronic aspect.Combing the history,it can be divided into four periods: traceability period,development period,deepening and transition period.The origin period of “infant” concept is the pre Qin period,in which mainly discusses Lao zi's “infant ”,Zhuang zi 'thought of “zhen ren”,and the theory of Mencius' “infant”.It can be said that the idea of “infant ” of the Taoism and the Confucian both constitutes the two basic forms of “infant” concept.Both of them together laid the original connotation of the “infant” concept,which has the meaning of culture and philosophy in the origin.The development period of the concept of “infant” roughly from the Wei and Jin Dynasties to the Tang Dynasty,in which mainly discusses “Xuan xin”,“pure heart” and Zen.“Pure heart” is a complement to Confucianism “utter innocence” concept,which combines into the thinking of Zen Buddhism.At the same time,the process of “Zen” has the similar characteristics to the aesthetic experience of a kind of mood,which can be said to be a deepening of the thought of aesthetic mind.Wei Jin “Xuan xin” can be said a deepening development of Confucianism and Taoism in the pre Qin period “infant”thought.The deepened period of the concept of “infant” is Song and Ming Dynasties,It mainly discusses “ benevolence ” of the Song ming “li xue” and Li zhi's thought of“innocence”,the “infant” concept of the Taoism and the Confucian in the highest realm has different form of “he”,the Confucian “infant” concept in society just like father and son relationship form;and Taoist “infant” concept in the universe just like relationship between mother and child forms.The idea of “utter innocence” during the transitional period is the modern period.It mainly discusses Gong's “childlike innocence”,the“infant” concept in Wang Guo wei's poetics view,and Feng zi kai's art of heart.By comparison,Wang Guo wei is more put the childlike innocence into the specific criticism of literature and art,with an ideal color of poetics construction;Gong zi zhen and Feng zi kai is more put the “utter innocence” into their personality.the cultural background of “Jian qi xiao xin” enhances the Gong's hero personality,Feng zi kai combines his art heart into the practice of his artistic life.From the longitudinal veins,in addition to the cultural implication of Confucianism?Buddhism?Taoism,the concept of “infant” also includes the influence of the aesthetic and the meaning of life.
Keywords/Search Tags:Utter innocence, Concept of history, Ideological significance, Infant, Innocence
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