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The Development Of Contemporary Group Female Painting Research In Guilin

Posted on:2017-10-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330488973152Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the mainstream of Chinese contemporary art development, male art still has the main discourse power. With the effect of the permeation of western independent "female consciousness", the female art in China get rapid development, female artists in the new period through the art of self reflection, self experience, himself the humanities, social and self growth factors using the language of painting style manifests itself in the form. Can be seen in the diversified development of society, women artists began to use different from the unique perspective of male artists to re interpret the world.This paper mainly discusses the Guilin contemporary female artist painting style and language problems, to search for Guilin female artists and the pulse of society from the artistic style of women artists, painting language characteristics, development, and to explore female artists how the style of painting and picture structure transfer to present them in the context of regional culture angle of view observation and emotional expression. The full text is divided into four parts. Chapter one first of female art development overview; comb and analysis the present situation of Guilin female art in the second chapter; in Chapter 3, the representative of Guilin female artist and painting language style integration analysis; Chapter Four explores the Guangxi Contemporary Female Art development trend, discussing the problems existing in the development of painting to clear art direction and value orientation. The author from the female perspective of try from Guilin female painters painted the theme by the different style, different sampling of variable, join the drawing style vein of spindle and return to painter pen down search when the artist's heart away. In the post-modern pluralism and today, regional art has been recognized by attention and rational characteristics, it has the emotional value and individual value, based on the understanding of this paper is to study the painting style of contemporary female artists in Guilin local specific cultural context framework in Guilin, the female artists in the long rooted local culture under the influence, experience a search for self localization and regression process, these unique local color and national characteristics of things is the ideal carrier of female artists to express their art, embodies the characteristics of contemporary Guangxi female artists creative and independent consciousness of the art of painting, with distinctive regional characteristics, and presents the female art creation of inclusiveness and diversity to promote the development of visual culture.In the process of artistic development in addition to personal development, In this environment, Guilin female artists use imitation way to draw lessons from the idea of western modern feminist art and language, and by means of grafting with modifications, the Regional Symbols fusion, the formation of diversification of styles, the concept of localization, the art market new pattern. But the women artists in Guangxi realize that they have lost themselves in a simple crisis, so they begin to look for inspiration from their own culture and blend into a unique work of Guangxi. Because Guangxi is national gathering, has a distinctive regional and cultural characteristics, has a unique subtropical climate and superior ecological environment, for the creation of the female artists from Guilin provides rich themes, the excellent traditional culture for contemporary female art painting style to provide colorful elements, these elements is regarded as an important food also determines the content of the work and ideas. Artist language exploration is endless, with cultural exchange rapidly, Guilin female artist team continued to develop and grow in. They have their cultural consciousness and enthusiasm of the creation characteristics and more obvious, in the painting mainly reflected imagery with aesthetic taste, constitute a new mode of painting.Nowadays, China is in the period of rapid social transformation, the transition of economic and political system, the reconstruction of cultural and artistic value, and so on. As a measure of an important indicator of the construction of Chinese contemporary arts of female art, it's unique thinking subject, aesthetic subject, language style, the main form of artistic expression, along with the era of the rise of unprecedented prosperity and development, Guilin female art homeopathy into the trend of the Chinese female art and culture, I believe with the quick development of economy and culture in Guangxi, Guilin female artists is bound to will go a broad road, have a prosperous future.
Keywords/Search Tags:contemporary art, Guilin female artist, group painting style
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