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The Movie Magic Of Symbol By Director Jiang Wen

Posted on:2017-07-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330488475041Subject:Theater, film and television
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Jiang Wen has an excellent quality of actors and directors.As an wunderkind actor,he starred in many well-know directors' works.As a director,however,he has only five films,which have triggered a concern and discussion of the domestic and the international moviedom.Under the background of the rapid development of domestic film and television industry,how to make a good balance between artistry and cornmerciality when making a film has become a question for every director.Jiang Wen's five films were all directed and starred by himself,and in each film he put into his own life experience and artistic value.Therefore,in each film directed by Jiang Wen,we could discover that the film has strong personal color in the description of the historical background and the expression of movie theme.That's why there're many similarities in style and diffrencees in his own artistic pursuit in the five works.In this thesis,Jiang Wen's five works are selected from the perspective of semiotics to make a research.The first chapter is the introduction part,which mainly introduces the background and purpose of the thesis,as well as a brief introduction of present research situation.The second chapter mainly analyzes the five works of Jiang Wen from the perspective of visual symbols.The third chapter mainly analyzes the five film from the aspects of the sense of hearing.The fourth chapter mainly reveals the camera cuts.The fifth chapter summarizes five works in symbolic charcacteristics,cause and inspiration for the film creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Director Jiang Wen, symbol, film symbol
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