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Research On The Effects Of Art Formulation On Contemporary Chinese Painting

Posted on:2017-08-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L QianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330485965485Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The formulated language was presented to various artistic forms, as the fundamental of the artistical developments, this representative kind of language form was formed after the long-time practice and extraction. The formulated language of Chinese paintings is the wisdom crystallization of painters through ages, and which was created from thousands years of progress and evolution. there is a successive and innovative relationship between different ancient formulated languages, which conformed to the continuity of aritistic development. The proficient grasp of formulated language is the base of Chinese paintings' learning, and it is the only way to develop and innovate the Chinese painting. Both inheritance and innovation of formulated language are important elements to promote Chinese painting move forward, neither can be neglected. The key to develop contemporary Chinese painting is innovating on the base of urban language succession and dealing with the formulated characteristic of Chinese painting directly.After thousand years of development and changes, Chinese painting now is facing all kinds of query about its development direction and the disputation on its transformation. It must be innovated under the background which the language being globalism and modernize. Program is a traditional Chinese paintings neatly into abstract symbolic language form, briefly formula of program is both an art and also is one of the personal artistic style. The formulated language of Chinese painting is mainly reflected in its line; brush-and-ink; methodicalness and its theme. The formulated formation moved to maturity progressively with the changes in history.The period of Ming and Qing dynasty was the noontide, then, Chinese painting have been in a model like “old wine in a new bottle”, or have been turned to a new and peculiar way. Both are harmful for the progress of contemporary Chinese painting.The formulation has various influence on Chinese painting, it is benefited for the spreading of Chinese painting and futurity's learning. But, to some extent, it limited the natural growth. The formation of the formulated characteristic among the traditional Chinese painting was affected by philosophy, national characteristics and local flavor, social system and aesthetic ideas. And it is an artistic form with rich Chinese flavor which is the fundamental makes it different from the art from other states. The formulated language is not a backward formula or templates, but a concentration about art language and skills. The critical thing to promote art to createupon its origin is treating the formulated language with the right attitude. The formulated language also appeared in the western arts, Stanislavski have criticized the formulated appearance in the western dramatic performance severely. And I think the formulated language has both advantages and disadvantages, we must essence absorption and dross discarding. The Chinese painting's development is based on the traditional philosophy culture, and it has a culture context which the formulated language came from. The contemporary Chinese painting could neither develop without the traditional culture then lose the lively national features nor adopt the formulated language blindly. otherwise its style, skill languages would get into a trouble of self-limited and unlimited traditional reiterations.Investigating the influence of stylization to the contemporary Chinese painting can not only carding and cognizing the traditional Chinese painting's formulated language, but also can provide a advisable developing direction to the Chinese painting. It has both the reference meaning and academic value.
Keywords/Search Tags:art formulated, formulated language, contemporary, Chinese painting, influence
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